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《灵界经历》 第3947节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3947

3947. About Aristotle

I perceived a loud sound that made my skin move, thus a loud moving thing going from the buttocks through my left side even to my left ear, that wanted to struggle out and was laboring to struggle out. I realized that they were spirits, but I was unable to find out what they were like. When they had ascended with much effort up to my ear, they spoke with me, saying that they had been logicians, metaphysicists, and the like, who had immersed their thoughts into such matters, lamenting that now they are living a miserable, obscure life, devoid of understanding. Their speech was slow, hesitant, and hoarse sounding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3947


There was perceived a sonorous something moving my skin, thus a moving sound, proceeding from the posterior region through the left side even to the left ear, which something would fain struggle forth and labored so to do. I perceived that they were spirits, but of what quality they were I could not know; but when they ascended with an effort to the ear, they spoke with me saying that they were logicians and metaphysicians and such as had immersed their thoughts in such things, and lamenting that they now lived a miserable obscure life, without perception. Their speech was dull, slow, and rough-sounding.

Experientiae Spirituales 3947 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3947. De Aristotele

Perceptum sonorum quid movens cutem meam, ita sonor movens, a natibus pergens per sinistrum latus, usque ad aurem sinistram, quod volebat eniti, et laborabat eniti, percepi quod essent spiritus, sed quales non potui scire; cum cum nisu ascenderunt ad aurem loquuti mecum, dicentes quod fuerint logici, metaphysici, et tales, qui talibus immerserunt cogitationes, lamentantes, quod nunc miseram vitam vivant, obscuram, non percipientes, erat loquela eorum lenta, et tarda, et rauce sonans.

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