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《灵界经历》 第3948节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3948

3948. Moreover, there were two overhead speaking with me, and I was told and realized that it was Aristotle and another, whom it was not given to recognize. He spoke quite clearly, like one who had been in the spiritual world for a long time. I spoke now with him, now with those who were at the left ear, and of course about these matters. From this conversation it was soon evident that Aristotle had not been of the same character as his followers, who reasoned philosophically from his books, but that he was of a different character than they.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3948

3948. There were moreover two who discoursed with me above the head, and it was said and perceived that it was Aristotle and another, whom it was not given to know. He spoke with sufficient clearness, as a spirit who had been some time in the spiritual world. I spoke now with him, and now with those who were at the left ear and concerning such subjects [as are mentioned above]. It thence first appeared that Aristotle was not of such a quality as his followers, who reasoned philosophically from his books, but that he was [altogether] of a different genius.

Experientiae Spirituales 3948 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3948. Praeterea loquuti sunt mecum bini supra caput, et dictum et perceptum quod esset Aristoteles, et alius, quem non nosse datum, is loquebatur satis clare, sicut spiritus diu in spirituali mundo, loquutus nunc cum eo, nunc cum iis, qui ad aurem sinistram, et quidem de talibus, exinde primum constabat quod Aristoteles non fuerit talis, quales ejus asseclae, qui ex ejus libris sunt ratiocinati philosophice, sed quod alia indole esset ab iis;

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