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《灵界经历》 第3959节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3959

3959. About the Antipodes

Aristotle was told that there are antipodes, and when it was shown to him that after 12 hours there are antipodes, he marveled as others did that they could then walk on their feet. But the cause was explained that since the minutest parts of the ether gravitate in the minutest parts of our body, toward the center, then down is where the center is, and up the reverse direction, and thus gravity induces upon the body as a whole the up and the down, consequently upon one's mental imagery. Then he saw the light, and said that it was so. This also showed that when one reasons on the basis of the grosser atmosphere, of stones and the like, of the outer body, one can in no way conceive of being able to stand with one's feet on the opposite side of the globe; but as soon as those gross things are removed, or the mental imagery of them, which are likewise gross, then one comes into some light of truth. 1748, 12 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3959


It was said to Aristotle that there are antipodes and that [the inhabitants of all parts of the earth] become such after [the lapse of] twelve hours. When the fact was shown, he as well as others wondered that they could thus walk on their feet; but the cause was made known, [viz.] that since the minutest portions of the ether gravitate to the minutest points of our body, towards the center, [the gravitation] is upwards when the center is upwards, and so downwards when the center is downwards, and thus an upwards and downwards is induced upon the whole body, which the ideas are to follow. The subject in this way came into the light, and he said it was so. Hence also it appeared that when reasonings are instituted from a gross atmosphere, from stones and the like, [and] from the external body, no one can possibly conceive that he should be able to stand on his feet in the opposite [quarter] of the earth; but as soon as those grossnesses are removed, or the ideas of them, which are similarly gross, then the man comes into a certain natural light. - 1748, November 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3959 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3959. De Antipodibus

Aristoteli dictum quod antipodes sint, et quod post 12 horas antipodes sint ostensum quum sint, is sicut alii mirati, et [quod] sic pedibus possint ire, sed dicta causa, quod cum minima aetheris gravitent in minima nostri corporis, ad centrum, quod tunc deorsum [sit] ubi centrum, et sursum respective, et sic inducit [gravitas] toti corpori sursum et deorsum, proinde ideae; sic venit in lucem, et dixit ita esse, constabat inde quoque, cum ratiocinatur ex atmosphaera crassa, ex lapidibus et talibus, ex corpore externo, quod nequaquam concipere queat, quod stare possit pedibus in opposito telluris, at ut primum removentur crassa ista seu eorum ideae, quae similiter crassae, tunc in lucem veri quandam venit homo. 1748, 12 Nov.

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