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《灵界经历》 第3958节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3958

3958. About the Lord

I spoke with spirits, saying that no idea of the Lord can be grasped, nor any suitable expressions, other then the Eternal and the Infinite, and that only the Eternal and the Infinite Is, and that only the Is lives; thus that things finite neither are, nor live, except from the Lord Alone, that is, from the Is Alone, that is from Him who is Infinite and Eternal. And since nothing other than what is eternal can be predicated of Him, as well what is past, Present, and yet to come, is eternal. They were surprised that the Present was said to be eternal, but because it is so, even though an idea of it can never be grasped, nevertheless our Present is to Him eternal. 1748, 12 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3958


Speaking with spirits [I observed] that no idea respecting the Lord could be perceived nor were any terms applicable [to Him] who is the only Eternal and Infinite, and that the only Eternal and Infinite Is, and that the only Is [only] lives, thus that whatever things are finite, these neither are not live, except from the Lord Alone, that is, from the Only Is, that is, from Him Who is Infinite and Eternal. And since none but eternal things can be predicated of Him, [therefore] the past, the present, and the future is eternal. [The spirits] wondered at its being said that the Present is eternal, but inasmuch as [what has been said] is so, although it cannot be perceived by [any] idea, therefore our Present is to Him eternal. - 1748, November 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3958 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3958. De Domino

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, quod nulla idea de Domino percipi queat, nec voces applicabiles, solum Aeternum et Infinitum, et quod solum Aeternum et Infinitum Est, et quod solum Est vivit; ita quod quae finita sunt, non sunt nec vivunt, nisi a Solo Domino, hoc est a Solo Est, hoc est, ab Ipso, qui est Infinitum et Aeternum. Et cum non nisi quam aeternum de Ipso praedicari queat, tam praeteritum, Praesens, quam venturum, est aeternum, mirati quod dictum Praesens esse aeternum, sed quia ita est, tametsi idea nequaquam percipi potest, usque Praesens nostrum, est Ipsi aeternum. 1748, 12 Nov.

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