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《灵界经历》 第3962节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3962

3962. On Memory

In the other life they are not allowed to make use of their own memory, for the reason among others that those who draw upon their memory of things past, are not only concerned about future ones, but also worried that things in the present are not like those of the past, and sad about whatever state they are in. But it was also seen that they then desire to live only from themselves, for to live from one's own memory is to live as if from one's own power, which a spirit is not permitted to do, while a person on earth is allowed to do so more than a spirit, and this for many reasons. Therefore a spirit, because he uses man's memory, imagines himself to be the person he is with, but if he should use his own memory, then he would think he was not that person, but himself. So for the sake of the use of being of service to mankind, it is not permitted him to use his own memory. 1748, 13 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3962


In the other life it is not allowed that one should use his own memory for the reason, that everyone who draws the past from his own memory, is not only anxious concerning the future, and vexes himself from the fact that the present is unlike the past, but he indulges grief in whatever state he is; and then also, as was perceived, he wishes to live only from himself, for to live from one's own memory is to live, as it were, from himself which for many reasons, is not allowed to a spirit, but to a man more than to a spirit. As a spirit, thinking from the memory of a man, thinks himself to be a man, if he were to use his own memory he would think he was not the man, but himself; wherefore for reasons of use, in order that he may be subservient to man, it is not allowed to exercise his own memory. - 1748, November 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3962 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3962. De Memoria

In altera vita non licet uti sua memoria ex causa, quoque, [quia] qui ex memoria sua depromit praeterita, is non solum de futuris est sollicitus, seque angit ex iis, quod praesentia non talia sint, ac praeterita, et dolet in quocunque statu, sed tunc quoque, ut perceptum, vult non nisi quam vivere ex se, nam ex memoria sua vivere, est quasi vivere ex se, quod non licet spiritui, homini magis quam spiritui, ex multis causis, spiritus ideo quia memoria hominis [utitur] putat [se] esse hominem, si memoria sua, tunc putaret non esse hominem sed semet, quare propter usum, ut serviat homini, non licet ei memoria sua uti. 1748, 13 Nov.

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