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《灵界经历》 第3964节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3964

3964. About mediums

There were mediums present with me as it were reclining overhead, who were speaking as if in their sleep, but still, speaking in a good and true manner, like those who are not in a sleeping state. Evil spirits were streaming in through them, as I noticed from various indications, and from various maneuvers - such as trying to impersonate others, and other devices I do not remember - but their influence was immediately dissipated. No sooner had the mediums received these things, than they were at once dissipated, so good spirits would operate through them, even inward ones of female gender, who can be called general mediums. Whether such are also with people on earth, I do not know.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3964


Subjects have been present with me, above the head, and, as it were, incumbent upon it, who spoke with me as if they were in sleep, although they spoke well and truly like those who are wholly awake. Evil spirits flowed in through them - a fact that was evinced by means of various deceitful maneuvers, such as their substituting other persons and performing several other feats which I do not now remember; but their influx was immediately dissipated, the subjects barely receiving them, and the dissipation instantly following. Thus good and interior spirits also were enabled to act through the same subjects, who may [for this reason] be termed common subjects. But whether such subject-spirits are with men also, I have not as yet learned.

Experientiae Spirituales 3964 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3964. De subjectis

Fuerunt subjecta apud me, supra caput, quasi incumbentes, qui loquuti sunt sicut in somno, sed usque loquuti bene et vere, sicut ii qui non in statu somni, influebant mali spiritus per eos, quod observatum per varia, et varios dolos, sed influxus eorum illico dissipatus est, sicut quod substituere vellent alias personas, et alia quae non memini; sed subjecta modo recipiebant ea, sed discutiebantur illico; ita per eosdem agebant boni spiritus, etiam interiores, quae possunt vocari subjecta communia; num talia penes homines quoque sint nondum scio.

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