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《灵界经历》 第3965节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3965

3965. But the evil spirits declared that these were not their mediums flocking toward those from whom they would take whoever harmonized with them and were even of their own congregation, whom they send out as mediums, as I had observed from time to time. But they were compelled to act through those mediums, for in this way they were unable to bring on any evil. It was also noticeable that these were mediums from many congregations of evil spirits. In short, they are general mediums, but nevertheless good spirits, for good spirits stream into them, and through them ward off the assaults of evil spirits. 1748, 13 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3965

3965. But the evil spirits said that they were not their subjects, as theirs are in the habit of conforming themselves to those whom they are wont to employ [in this capacity] - spirits who are in accordance with themselves and even of their own society - whom they send forth as subjects, as I have frequently observed before. But they were still compelled to act through these subjects, as they could inflict upon them no harm. It was also apparently to be observed that these were subjects of many companies of evil spirits; in a word, that they were common subjects, but still good, as good spirits flow into them, and through them reject the temptations of evil spirits. - 1748, November 13. 1


1. Compare for farther elucidation on this head AC 5988.

Experientiae Spirituales 3965 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3965. Sed mali spiritus dicebant quod non subjecta sua essent, se conformantia ad eos, quorum sumere solent, qui sibi concordant, etiam ex eorum coetu, quos ut subjecta emittunt, quod passim observatum, sed per haec subjecta agere coacti sunt, nam sic nihil mali inferre potuerunt, quae quod quoque essent subjecta plurium coetuum malorum spirituum, visum observari, verbo, sunt subjecta communi, sed usque boni spiritus, nam boni spiritus in eos influunt, et per eos rejiciunt tentamina malorum spirituum. 1748, 13 Nov.

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