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《灵界经历》 第3967节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3967

3967. One could see that such spirits are more depraved than others not only because they operate in a foul manner on those who represent the right ear. For when I mentioned them, a mental image of them was directed toward them, and then they were so infested that there appeared there something like a pitch black smoke flowing down out of a ruined fireplace. So they complained that they were being attacked. The reason was that [being at] the right ear is also symbolic of such acts as alluring another's thoughts, causing the person to utter them.

But those spirits who constitute the right ear are not of this character, but are upright, and only like to talk, and to find out what others understand.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3967

3967. It appeared that such were pre-eminently depraved, especially from their operating basely upon those that represent the right ear, for when I alluded to such, their idea was fixed upon them, and then the latter were so infested that there appeared as it were, a black smoke issuing from a ruined chimney, causing them to complain of the infestation; the reason was that the right ear signifies also this wheedling from a man his interior thoughts and inducing him to utter them; but those spirits who constitute the right ear are not of such a quality but are upright, only that they love to talk and to divulge the things which they perceive elsewhere.

Experientiae Spirituales 3967 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3967. Visum quod tales sint prae aliis scelesti, non solum quod operarentur tetre in eos qui referunt aurem dextram, nam cum eos memorarem, idea eorum erat in eos, tunc ii ita infestati ab iis erant, ut appareret ibi sicut fumus ater camini deflueret ex camino deruto, quare conquesti quod infestarentur, ex causa quod auris dextra significet talia quoque, quod proliciant hominis cogitata, ut ea eloquatur homo; sed spiritus ii qui aurem dextram constituunt, non sunt tales, sed sunt probi, solum quod loqui ament, et detegere ea, quae alibi percipiunt.

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