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《灵界经历》 第3968节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3968

3968. Next those most deceitful spirits were seen, who wanted to break loose from a certain society, not by whirling around like others by circumflexions of the body, but by drilling motions ending sharply in spiral bendings; and it was said that these are the worst, because they behave so deceitfully in order to disentangle themselves from the societies of others, for their fantasies act in this way. And if they also were to act from conviction to the same degree as they do from fantasy, they would be worse yet; but since they acted without conviction, but only from fantasy, they could be tolerated in the world of spirits, even though they are like corpses.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3968

3968. Those spirits then appeared as intensely deceitful, in that they were inclined to break away from a certain society, in doing which they would not, like others, bend themselves round about by bodily circumflections, but acted by a certain species of borings, terminating in sharp penetrations, and by spiral flexures; and it was said that such are of the worst class of spirits, as they act in this deceitful manner in order to extricate themselves from the societies of others, for thus their phantasies operated. Should they also act from persuasion in the same way that they do from phantasy, they would be still worse; but as they are prompted by phantasy only, and not by persuasion, they can be tolerated in the world of spirits; nevertheless they are cadaverous.

Experientiae Spirituales 3968 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3968. Visi dein spiritus isti dolosissimi, quod se vellent proripere a societate quadam quod non ita se circumflecterent ac alii, per circumflexiones corporis, sed per terebrationes desinentes in acutas, per flexus spirales, et dictum quod tales sint pessimi, quia ita dolose agunt, ut se extricent societatibus aliorum, nam phantasiae eorum sic operabantur; qui si quoque ex persuasione simili agerent, ac ex phantasia, forent adhuc pejores, sed quia absque persuasione, sed ex phantasia solum, potuerunt tolerari in mundo spirituum, sed usque sunt cadaverosi.

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