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《灵界经历》 第3970节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3970

3970. About a black horse

There are spirits who want to have everything, and yet are unable to concentrate on possessing anything; and there are those who want to know everything and yet do not concentrate on learning anything. They only want to have, and the latter to know, but do not have or know anything. These spirits run about in my memory so as to see many, many things, filled with this kind of desire, but do not want to dwell upon or to take delight in any specific thing - such as the palaces I had seen in cities, the palaces in paintings and such nor would they concentrate on viewing any specific object. They wanted all things, running about in this way with undisciplined covetousness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3970


There are spirits who desire to possess all things, and yet are unable to determine themselves to the possession of anything; and there are those who desire to know everything, and yet do not determine themselves to the acquisition of knowledge. They barely desire to have, and desire to know, but they neither have anything nor know anything. Such spirits ran to and fro through my memory, prompted by this kind of impulse, but they were averse to fixing upon anything or to receiving delight from any specific object, such as the palaces, pictures, and the like, which I had seen in cities; nor could they concentrate their view upon anything definite [certum]; they simply ran, as it were, back and forth [through my mind], desiring everything, but yet influenced only by a vague cupidity.

Experientiae Spirituales 3970 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3970. De equo nigro

Sunt spiritus qui omnia habere cupiunt, et tamen non se determinare possunt, ad aliquid possidendum: et sunt qui omnia scire cupiunt, et tamen non se determinant ad aliquid ut sciant, solum cupiunt habere, et hi cupiunt scire, nec quicquam habent, nec sciunt, ii percurrebant in memoria mea, ut viderent perplura, in cupidine tali, sed nullibi morari volebant, et delectari aliquo certo, sicut palatia quae viderim in urbibus, palatia picta et talia, nec se determinabant ad videndum aliquod certum, cupiebant omnia, ita transcurrentes, cupiditate indeterminata.

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