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《灵界经历》 第3972节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3972

3972. On the inflow of the grand human being

It is a general rule that nothing can come forth or continue to exist from itself, but from another, that is, through another; also that nothing can be held together in a form, except from another, or through another. All and the least things in nature show this to be so: the human body cannot be held together in its form except from the atmosphere pressing upon it from all sides, as is well known, for when the atmosphere withdraws its pressure, the form perishes.

Now because these are truths, it follows clearly that not anything can be held together in its form within the human being, in its body, in its brain, in its organs of sense, both outward and inward, unless it comes forth, continues to exist, and is held together in its forms by others, and in fact by a collective or universal entity, consequently except by the grand human being - and likewise neither can the grand human being except by the Divine One, that is, by the Lord, Alone. 1748, 13 Nov. This was seen inwardly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3972


It is a general rule that nothing can exist or subsist from itself, but only from something else, that is, by or through something else; so also that nothing can be held in form except from something else, or by something else; and this appears from all and singular things in nature. The human body cannot be retained in its form except by the pressure of the atmosphere on every side, since it is well known that on the recession of the atmospheric pressure the form perishes. And as these are truths, it manifestly follows, that nothing can be held in its form in man, in his body, in his brain, in his organs of sense, both exterior and interior, unless it exist and subsist, and be retained in forms from other things, and indeed from something general and universal, thus from the Grand Man; in like manner, neither the Grand Man himself except from the Divine, that is, from the Lord alone. - 1748, November 13. This was perceived.

Experientiae Spirituales 3972 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3972. De influxu maximi hominis

Regula communis est, quod nihil existere et subsistere possit a se sed ex alio, hoc est, per alium; tum quod nihil contineri queat in forma, nisi ex alio, seu per alium; quod constat ex omnibus et singulis in natura; corpus humanum in sua forma non contineri potest, nisi ab atmosphaera premente undequaque, sicut notum est, recedente atmosphaerae pressione, perit forma: et quia veritates sunt, consequitur manifeste, quod nequaquam contineri queat quicquam in sua forma, in homine, in ejus corpore, in cerebro, in organis ejus sensuum exteriorum et interiorum, nisi existat et subsistat, et contineatur in formis ab aliis, et quidem a communi seu universali tali, proinde nisi a maximo homine, similiter quod nec maximus homo, nisi a Divino, hoc est, a Domino, Solo. 1748, 13 Nov. Hoc perceptum.

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