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《灵界经历》 第3973节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3973

3973. About the eternal

Just as the Infinite Divine is not of space, so neither is the eternal of time. That a kind of mental image of the infinite and a mental image of the eternal Divine is instilled into the angels is obvious from the fact that they do not know what space is, for someone at the end of the universe is present in a moment; and with respect to the eternal, from the fact that they have no idea of things past and things future, but both things past and things to come are in their present, about which very much could be said, nor is there in their mental scope anything like old age, and death, but only of life, so they have no notion of time, but all in their present [they perceive] as eternal. 1748, 13 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3973


As the Divine Infinite is not of space, so neither is the eternal of time. That a kind of idea of the infinite, and an idea of the Divine eternal is insinuated into the angels by the Lord, appears from this, that they know not what space is, for those who are in the extreme of the universe are present in a moment: and as to the eternal, that they have no idea of things past and future, but the past and future are in their present, concerning which many more things might be said: neither is there in their idea anything of old age or of death, but only of life; wherefore they have no notion of time, but in all their present everything is as eternal. - 1748, November 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3973 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3973. De aeterno

Sicut Infinitum Divinum, non est spatii, ita nec aeternum est temporis; quod a Domino quasi idea infiniti, et idea aeterni Divini insinuetur angelis, constat ex eo, quod non sciant quid spatium, nam qui in fine universi momento adsint; et quoad aeternum, quod nullam ideam praeteritorum et futurorum habeant, sed sint in eorum praesenti tam praeterita quam ventura, de quibus plura dici potuissent, nec in eorum idea aliquid senectutis, et mortis, sed solum vitae, quare nulla temporis, sed in omni eorum praesenti, ut aeternum. 1748, 13 Nov.

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