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《灵界经历》 第3979节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3979

3979. On good works

I had been writing about good works, and those came who in the life of the body had not only thought, but had also confirmed and convinced themselves, that faith without good works is saving. They came among lower good spirits, with that conviction that for the sake of salvation, there was no need for good works but only for faith, but the good spirits, being indignant, bound them with a rope and rolled them around, so that one was made to look clothed in a garment, and thus bound, he came to me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3979


While engaged in writing on the subject of good works, certain spirits approached who not only thought, in the life of the body, that faith without good works was saving, but had also fully persuaded and confirmed themselves in the belief. They came in among good spirits of a lower grade, bringing with them the persuasion that in order to salvation good works were not required, but simply faith. These, however, being indignant [at their false persuasion] bound them with a cord, and rolled them round, aiming especially to do up one of their number as into the form of a garment, and he came to me bound in that manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 3979 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3979. De bonis operibus

Scriptum erat de bonis operibus, et venerunt ii, qui fidem absque bonis operibus salvare, in vita corporis non modo cogitarunt, sed etiam se confirmarunt, et persuaserunt; venerunt inter spiritus bonos inferiores, in tali persuasione, quod ad salutem non opus esset bonis operibus, sed solum fide, sed ii indignati, eos funi alligarunt, et circumvolvebant, ut facesseret [unus] velut in vestem, et sic religatus ad me venit.

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