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《灵界经历》 第3978节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3978

3978. About the most deceitful

There were some in the middle of the night, when I suddenly awoke, who attacked me with such a refined deceit that it cannot be described, which even the angelic spirits hardly noticed. I had suddenly became aware of it, but not thinking that it was something so very deceitful, but I soon realized, as was told to me later, that spirits of this character are by permission among angelic spirits, who are scarcely able to notice them except from the effect they have who are female spirits that consider adulteries as nothing, even though they cannot be detected. So skillfully do they know how to hide, that not even angelic spirits know it. 1748, 17 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3978


There were some who, when I suddenly awoke in the middle of the night, assaulted me with such a subtlety of deceit as cannot be described. It was scarcely observed by the angelic spirits, but I suddenly became aware of it. It was afterwards said to me that such obtain entrance, by special permission, among angelic spirits, who are scarcely able to observe them except from the effects produced. They that are such esteem adulteries of no account, although the fact can scarce be detected so adroit are they in concealment; their power in this respect baffling even the angelic spirits. - 1748, November 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3978 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3978. De dolosissimis

Erant qui in media nocte, cum subito evigilatus tanto dolo subtili me aggressi ut describi nequit, vix quod angelici spiritus observarent, appercepi subito quod esset, sed quod tam dolosissimum non cogitavi, sed mox percepi, dictum mihi postea, quod tales ex permissione inter spiritus angelicos sint, qui vix eos observare possunt, quam ab effectu, quae sunt tales, quae adulteria pro nihil aestiment, tametsi detegi non potest, ita occultare sciunt, ut ne quidem angelici spiritus id sciant. 1748, 17 Nov.

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