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《灵界经历》 第3982节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3982

3982. Afterwards other spirits came and, let into their former state of thought concerning faith, since they were of that mind, they had a still more vague idea of faith, that there is no faith, namely something so vanishing that it scarcely pertained to thought, saying that they did not know what faith is when they only thought about faith. They added that they did know what it is to do good, or to do a good work. In this case they are able to realize that they can receive good from the Lord, because they are doing good; but because they only think, and hardly even think, they would not know what this is. Then the aura was even sadder for the good spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3982

3982. Afterwards other spirits came and were remitted into the state of their thoughts concerning faith; when in this state they had a still more diffusive idea concerning faith, that it was nothing, or something so evanescent that it was scarcely a subject of thought, saying that they did not know what faith was while they thought exclusively upon it; adding, however, that they knew what it was to do good, or a good work, whence they could also know that they might receive good from the Lord, because they do good; but as to barely thinking, and scarcely even that, they know not what this means. The sphere thus created was still more irksome to good spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 3982 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3982. Postea venerunt spiritus alii et in statum missi, quid cogitaverint de fide, cum talis, adhuc habebant magis diffusam ideam de fide, quod fides sit nulla, nempe evanescens, ut vix esset cogitationis, dicentes se nescire quid fides, dum solum cogitarent de fide; addentes quod hoc scirent quid esset, bonum facere, seu bonum opus facere, tunc possunt scire, quod bonum possint recipere a Domino, quia bonum faciunt, at quod solum cogitent, et vix cogitent, hoc non scirent quid est, tunc sphaera erat adhuc spiritibus bonis tristior.

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