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《灵界经历》 第3984节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3984

3984. Once again the idea was revived by means of the language of thought, that in the other life it is especially goods in the act that they exercise, spoken of earlier [2473-4, 3617], and that without these (it is now added), they can in no wise be angels, much less have any happiness; for in these lies their greatest happiness. Now they add that if they want to take away good works, they are wishing for the whole of heaven and of the human race to perish.

[2] This is the consequence, for to be of service to mankind, to teach spirits, to raise them up, and to raise up the dead, to perform works of charity to one another mutually, these are the things that hold heaven and the human race together. Therefore, if these are taken away from them, all would perish. 1748, 17 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3984

3984. Again by means of cogitative speech the idea was revived, that in the other life especially those things are actually good which are active in their nature, concerning which I have spoken before, and that without them (:now:) the angels could not possibly be angels, much less enjoy any happiness, for in them their greatest happiness consists. They now add, that if any should desire to deprive them of these works, they would in so doing desire that the whole heaven and the whole human race should perish, which would in fact be the consequence, for to save man, to teach [novitiate] spirits, to resuscitate the dead, to render to each other mutual offices of charity, these are the things which sustain heaven and the human race, upon the removal of which all would perish. - 1748, November 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3984 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3984. Iterum per cogitationis loquelam resuscitatum quod in altera vita praecipue sint bona actu quae agunt, de quibus prius [2473-2474, 3[617], et quod absque iis (nunc) nequaquam possint esse angeli, minus aliquam felicitatem habere; nam in iis maxima eorum felicitas; nunc addunt, si bona opera velint surripere, quod sic vellent, ut totum coelum, et totum humanum genus periret: quod est consequens, nam inservire homini, docere spiritus, eos resuscitare, tum mortuos, sibi mutuo praestare opera charitatis, sunt quae continent coelum, et genus humanum, quibus itaque iis ademptis, perirent omnes. 1748, 17 Nov.

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