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《灵界经历》 第3991节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3991

3991. I realized that all the reflexes we have, such as seeing looking out for ourselves when walking - as well as other reflexes spoken of elsewhere [cf. 3666], enabling us to make use of our senses, we have only from the Lord. It flows in, for example, as a general reflection on objects and people in the way, so that we may not be injured, as a general reflex or mindfulness that flows in from the Lord's care for everyone, in the absence of which we would never possess such a reflex; so it is in other cases. 1748, 18 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3991

3991. It was perceived that all the reflections which a man exercises, as in regard to seeing and looking out for himself while he walks, besides others elsewhere spoken of; in a word, that he enjoys the use of his senses - this he has solely from the Lord, from whose influx it is that he exercises a general reflection enabling him to avoid injury from the persons and things that he meets with. All this arises from a certain general reflection or advertence which flows in from the Lord's care towards everyone, and without which reflection is never enjoyed; and so in other things. - 1748, November 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3991 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3991. Perceptum, quod omnes reflexiones, quas homo habet, ut videat, se praecaveat cum ambulat, praeter alias reflexiones, de quibus alibi [cf. 3666], quod sensibus frui possit, hoc unice habeat a Domino, quod influat, sicut quod reflectat communiter super obvia et obvios, ne noceatur, ex communi quadam reflexione seu animadvertentia, quod influat a cura Domini erga unumquemvis, absque qua nusquam reflexionem haberet; ita in caeteris. 1748, 18 Nov.

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