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《灵界经历》 第3990节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3990

3990. Concerning the Lord

Evil spirits, who, according to their custom, are constantly engrossed in falsities and denials concerning the Lord, were pouring in something about angels, and it was granted me to ask them to show me, now, if there is even one angel, or where there is a heaven where they have all wisdom, intelligence, (now) mutual love, truth, light - other than the angels and the heaven who acknowledge the Lord as the life of all, and that they have all the things mentioned from Him, as well as happiness. But they could not, for if such had been present, they could within so much time as 3 years have pointed them out to me, but they were never able to do so. 1748, 18 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3990


Evil spirits, according to their wont, are continually in falsities and negations concerning the Lord, and when they infused something respecting the angels, it was given to demand of them that they should show me, if they could, one single angel, or point to one heaven where they are in all wisdom, in intelligence, in mutual love, in truth, in light, -that they should point [I say] to any angels or any heaven except those which acknowledge the Lord as the life of all, and that from Him they derive everything which they are taught, and their happiness also. But they were not able, whereas, if there were any such they certainly could have done it within so long a space as three years and a half, but they were never able. - 1748, November 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3990 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3990. De Domino

Spiritus mali, [qui] sicut solent, continue in falsitatibus et negationibus sunt de Domino, infundebant quoddam de angelis, dicere datum, ut mihi ostendant, nunc, si vel unum angelum [sit], ita, ubi[nam] coelum - ubi in omni sapientia, intelligentia, nunc, in amore mutuo, in veritate, in luce, sunt - praeter angelos et coelum, qui agnoscunt Dominum, quod sit vita omnium, et quod ab Ipso habeant omnia quae dicta, et felicitatem; sed non potuerunt, nam si adessent, potuissent intra tantum tempus jam, quod est 3 1/2 annorum, ostendere, sed nusquam potuerunt. 1748, 18 Nov.

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