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《灵界经历》 第3993节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3993

3993. On awakening I saw a tree that I perceived to be the tree of knowledge, on a level with my face at some distance. In the tree a large, horrible looking viper could be seen creeping into the tree nearly as long as the tree trunk. Presently the tree vanished, and a yellow dog appeared. Then a room opened up, shining in yellow light like that from a fire in a fireplace, and in it were one or two women, who went out through a door at the side where the fireplace was, which was not visible. I realized it was a kitchen. Two pieces of meat hung there, and some black pieces at the side that I realized were human flesh. These things I saw in a wakeful state.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3993

3993. Being awakened I saw a tree which was perceived to be the tree of knowledge, appearing at some distance in the plane of the face. On the tree was seen a huge viper, of horrid aspect, which had crept thereon, and whose length nearly equaled that of the trunk of the tree. The tree presently vanished, and there appeared a yellow dog. Then there was opened a vaulted chamber in a shining yellow light, as from the fire of a chimney, and there were seen one or two women who came out from a side door where there was a hearth which was not visible, and where it was also perceived that there was a kitchen. Black pieces of flesh hung down from their sides, which I perceived to be human. All this occurred while I was awake.

Experientiae Spirituales 3993 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3993. Evigilatus videbam arborem, quae percepta quod esset arbor scientiae, in plano faciei, ad aliquam distantiam, in eam arborem visa magna vipera, talis ut horrorem incuteret, quae surreperet in arborem, apparebat secundum trunci ejus longitudinem; et mox evanescebat arbor, et visus flavus canis, tunc aperta est camera in flavo lucente sicut ab igne camini, et ibi una vel binae mulieres, quae exibant per januam a latere, ubi focus, qui non visus, perceptum quod culina; pendebant partes carnium, quaedam ad latera, quas percepi esse carnes humanas, nigras, haec in vigilia.

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