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《灵界经历》 第3994节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3994

3994. It was inferred as if they were cannibals, but I do not know whether such exist in Christendom.

3994. 1/2.

But now I realized that it symbolizes the state of people at this day, especially in Christendom, and the tree of knowledge such as it is today, namely a horrible viper that is rising up, thus that they are everywhere filled with deception and malice, and that nothing but hatred prevails - so intense, that if it approached only a little to expression, they would even devour human flesh. For such acts are latent within hatred.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3994

3994. The idea was impressed that these were anthropophagi [men-eaters], but whether such exist in Christendom I know not.

3994. 1-2. But it is now perceived that they signify the state of men at the present day especially in the Christian world, and the tree of knowledge, as to its quality at this time, that it is a horrid viper rising up; thus that everything is filled with deceits and malignities, and that nothing but hatreds reign, which are such that if actuality should be added, they would even feed upon human flesh, for hatreds involve such issues.

Experientiae Spirituales 3994 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3994. Infundebatur sicut essent anthropophagi, sed non scio an tales dentur in Christianismo;

3994 [b]. sed nunc perceptum, quod significent statum hominum hodie, cumprimis in Christianismo, et arborem scientiae, qualis hodie est, quod sit horrenda vipera quae exsurgat; sic quod sint ubique dolis et malitiis, repleti, et quod non nisi quam odia regnent, quae talia sunt, ut si modo aliquid actualitatis accederet, quod etiam carnibus humanis vescerentur, nam odia secum talia habent.

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