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《灵界经历》 第3999节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3999

3999. The sirens overhead are adulterers

The sirens high, and the highest, overhead, imagined that they were not adulterers to an extreme degree, for which reason their restraint was relaxed, and then they aroused others to the most unconscionable adulteries, until the devil of the cloud aforementioned [3996] was sent to them, and driven by him into terror and anxiety, they confessed that they are adulterers. Then a certain one was sent to me, that he might be freed from the terror of that devil, but I told him that I can achieve nothing, and that unless they become different, they cannot but be troubled by such devils, 1748, 19 Nov.

For they are the kind who secretly arouse others, fearing lest they be discovered, being for the most part prelates, who aspire to be pontiffs, and who are persuaded that they are able to forgive all sins, as they customarily do by means of their bulls, provided the sinners give money. Then they declare the sins and adulteries to be forgiven, thus confirming people in their sins and eliminating the conscience of what is true and good - which they themselves do not have - thus imparting their infamy to others, who would otherwise be blameless. 1748, 19 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3999

3999. The sirens above the head, both the high and the highest, supposed that they were not adulterers of the worst stamp, wherefore the bonds in which they were were relaxed, and they then excited others to the most unconscionable adulteries, so that there was sent to them a cloud-devil, before mentioned, by whom, being smitten with terror and anxiety, they confessed that they were adulterers; and there was a certain one sent to me that he might be freed from the fear of the devil, but I said to him that I could effect nothing, and that unless those of his character became changed they could not avoid being tormented by such spirits. - 1748, November 19. These are such as excite others in secret, fearing at the same time detection. They are for the most part such as are called prelates, who aspire to be pontiffs, and who are persuaded that they have power to forgive all sins, as the popes are wont to do by their bulls, provided they are paid for it; thus they say that sins and adulteries are remitted, wherefore they confirm men in sins, and take away conscience as to the true and the good, which they have not themselves, thus communicating their own flagitiousness to others, who would otherwise be innocent. - 1748, November 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3999 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3999. Quod sirenes supra caput sint adulteri

Putabant sirenes supra caput, alte et altissime, quod non essent adulteri in extremo gradu, quare relaxabatur iis vinculum, et tunc in adulteria excitabant alios, absque ulla conscientia, prae aliis, adeo ut ad eos mitteretur diabolus nubis de quo prius [3996], quo in terrorem anxietatem acti, confessi sunt quod sint adulteri missus quidam me, ut liberaretur terrore diaboli, sed dixi, quod nihil possem efficere nisi alii fiunt, talibus non possunt non vexari, 1748, 19. Nov.; sunt enim ii qui excitant alios in occulto, timent ne detegantur, sunt utplurimum tales qui praelati dicti, ambierunt pontifices esse quibus persuasum est, quod remittere possint omnia peccata, sicut solent per suas bullas, modo iis dent pecunias, sic remissa esse peccata adulteria dicunt, quare confirmant homines in peccatis tollunt conscientiam veri boni, quam ii non habent, sic communicantes sua flagitia aliis, qui insontes essent. 1748, 19 Nov.

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