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《灵界经历》 第401节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 401

401. NB. NB. In regard to Permissions: every single thing tends toward the good of the universe, or of all

There are also permissions whereby spirits who think they are powerful enough to accomplish anything, claim to have the power on their own to arouse evils in mankind, and [engage in] other unallowable and unlawful activities, trying any of numerous methods, even unlawful ones usually employed in working wonders - thus magical arts.

These things God the Messiah never grants, but He is said to permit them [to do] that which, among many things, is to be permitted - as for example, their continually wanting to stir up trouble. So the only things permitted them are those which lead to the improvement of mankind, souls and spirits (other things are not permitted), each and every detail of which God the Messiah so controls and governs that there is not a whit that they do as if by permission that does not lead to the good of many, thus of the universe, and of all. For the good of each can be shared with all in the universe, and shall, in fact, be so shared, when God the Messiah's kingdom is established. 1747, the 25th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 401


Permissions are also such that spirits, who suppose that they can do and effect all things, arrogate to themselves the power that they alone can excite evils among men, and many other things which are not allowable and are unlawful, and this by many arts which are also unlawful, by which they are wont to make signs, thus by means of magic arts. God Messiah never concedes these things, but He is said to permit them. What it is to be permitted [can be evident] from many things; as that such spirits continually want to excite disturbances; wherefore those things which are permitted them are only such as may be conducive to the emendation of man, of souls and of spirits; other things are not permitted, all and each of which God Messiah so rules and governs that there is nothing whatever that those spirits thus do as if by permission, which is not conducive to the good of many, thus to the good of the universe, consequently to the good of all; for the good of each one is communicable to all in the universe, and will indeed be communicated when the Kingdom of God Messiah shall be firmly established. 1747, Dec. 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 401 (original Latin 1748-1764)

401. NB. NB. De Permissionibus, quod unumquodvis singulare tendat ad universi seu omnium bonum

Permissiones sunt tales quoque, ut spiritus, qui se putant omnia posse, et efficere, arrogent sibi eam potestatem, ut excitare mala in hominibus soli possint, ei plura, quae inconcessa sunt ac illicita, et quidem artibus pluribus, etiam illicitis, quibus solent signa facere, sic per magicas artes; haec nusquam Deus Messias concedit, sed dicitur permittere 1

iis, quod est [aliquid] permitti, ex pluribus, sicut quod turbas continue excitare velint, quare ea, quae iis permittuntur, sunt solum, quae ad emendationem hominis, animarum et spirituum conducunt caetera 2

non permittuntur quae 3

omnia et singula Deus Messias ita regit et gubernat, ut ne hilum sit, quod ii faciunt sic quasi permissive, quod non conducit ad multorum bonum, ita ad universi sic omnium, nam cujusvis bonum communicabile est omnibus in universo, et quidem communicabitur, quando Dei Messiae regnum constabilitur. 1747, d. 25 Dec.


1. In the Manuscript permitti ii[s] in permittere emendatum

2. The Manuscript has conducunt, caetera

3. The Manuscript has permittuntur, quae

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