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《灵界经历》 第402节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 402

402. From peoples afar, many kinds of spirits are being educated by means of their idols

A soul brings along with him from the world the adoration of whatever idol he had worshipped in the world. Accordingly, souls are guided right to those whom they had venerated during the life of the body, so as to be instructed there and gradually put off their idolization.

There was one people gathered around their chief - I was told they were from the Indies - worshipping the greatest God. They did this by a ceremony in which, while they were adoring Him, they were magnifying themselves in a certain way, and then straightway prostrating themselves as little worms, due to a notion they had kept with them.

Moreover, it had been more or less instilled into them to visualize the whole human race as being whirled around in heaven, and the great God following along with them from above, watching what they were doing. So [they thought of Him as being] present, zealously watching over the whirling realm.

His spirits had been taught a way of bringing upon their magnate a kind of breathing. His spirits came also to me, and brought the same thing upon me so that I would know this from experience. They were kind, and obedient, and behaving with their simple candor. Their spiraling flow, characteristic of such spirits, proceeded with ease. Later, different ones arrived, who seemed to execute this [action] even more flawlessly. 1747, the 26th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 402


A soul takes with him from the world the adoration of that idol which he has worshipped in the body; thus [idolaters] are led to those whom they have venerated in the life of the body, in order that they may there be initiated, and successively put off their idolatry. There was one race gathered around its primate. It was told me that they were from the Indies. They worshipped the Greatest God, and indeed with this rite, that when they adored Him, they then magnified themselves in a certain manner, and immediately afterwards, from the idea they had with themselves, prostrated themselves as little worms. Moreover, it was, as it were, implanted in them to regard the whole human race as circumgyrating in heaven, and the Great God on high following with them and watching what they were doing, thus as if He were present and brooded over the circumgyrated sphere. His spirits were so instructed that they might induce upon their Magnate a kind of respiration. His spirits also came to me and induced a like respiration upon me that I might know this from experience. They were modest and obedient, and were acting in their simplicity. Their vortical flow, like that of such spirits, proceeded easily. Afterwards others drew near who settled this in a manner as it were still more simply. 1747, Dec. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 402 (original Latin 1748-1764)

402. Quod ex gentibus longinquis plures species spirituum per eorum idola formentur

Anima secum a mundo trahit adorationem istius idoli quod in corpore coluit, ita etiam perducuntur ad eos quos venerati sunt in vita corporis, ut ibi initientur, et exuant successive idololatriam; una gens erat circum suum primatem collecta, mihi dictum quod ex Indiis essent, colebant maximum Deum, et quidem eo ritu, quod dum adorarent Ipsum, tunc se certo modo magnifaciebant, et mox inde se sicut vermiculos substraverunt, ex idea, quam habuerunt secum; praeterea iis erat quasi insitum spectare universum genus humanum in coelo circumgyratum, et magnum Deum sequentem superne secum et spectantem quid agerent, sic ut praesens esset 1

, qui sic incubuit sphaerae circumgyratae; spiritus ejus ita instructi erant, ut inducerent suo magnati speciem respirationis, ejus spiritus etiam ad me venerunt, et simile mihi inducebant, ut scirem id ab experientia, erant modesti, et obedientes, ac in simplicitate sua agentes; eorum fluxio vorticalis, qualis est talium spirituum, facile procedebat: postea alii advenerunt 2

, qui adhuc quasi purius id pangebant. 1747, die 26 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has essent

2. The Manuscript has venerunt

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