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《灵界经历》 第404节

(一滴水译本 2020--)




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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 404

404. About the life and punishment of those who during their life want to make profit, and look out only for themselves

There were some who during their life had wanted only to make profit for themselves, doing this by the usual technique of eager business people. They get close to those from whom they can gain, eyeing their wealth, which, under a guise of friendship, is what holds their attention.

These people wander around, and wherever they come they ask if they may join those who are there, saying that they are poor. So they are welcomed; but because they stare with longing on their wealth or possessions, they are expelled. So again they wander around and repeat the same behavior, until they have learned how to say one thing while thinking another. This they do with so much skill that spirits can scarcely tell but that they are as they say they are.

In this manner a spirit of that type also came to me, asking whether he might stay here and serve me. I replied to him that I am nothing, but that everyone is welcomed by God the Messiah.

But since they had been like this and would probably say one thing with their mouth while wanting something else at heart, they were given the power of punishing one of their own, miserably. Now there were many spirits disagreeing [with each other], who all wanted to have him as their medium for speaking and acting; and since they were against one another, that medium was being miserably pulled apart, or being torn to pieces by action from both directions. This went on uninteruptedly for about an hour.

In fact, they induced on him the illusion of a kind of body, and were then attempting to tear the whole body and its parts to pieces.

How much pain he felt from this, I cannot tell. The pain is milder [or sharper] depending on the degree and nature of the simulation. The one speaking with me said that it had been most fierce. It becomes more and more painful according as the illusion is induced of having a body, with body-like sensations - also according as weariness and resistance come over him, making him long to be freed and let go from them. For it is impossible for him to free himself.

It is a kind of tearing apart into small pieces. The tearing spirits admitted that they had gotten much enjoyment from being able to torment souls in this way, wherefore their fellow spirits were subsequently permitted to torment them one after another, so that they would thus learn to abstain from, and finally abhor, that kind of enjoyment.

2] Thereafter, they were then sent off and, having changed their way of speaking, approached some spirits in order to steal into their company. But once more they were cast out, because the spirits recognized them and said that they were slipping in with the purpose of robbing them of their possessions. For the spirits also create the illusion of having much wealth, which people like these intensely covet.

They told how they had also been punished elsewhere. This is the condition that awaits those who, under a cloak of friendship, lead others on with the sole purpose of obtaining their riches, like very many in the world. They roam far and wide in desert-like places, and when they come upon companions and cheat them, they are punished and cast out. Thus they are more miserable than such a person's ears could believe [if told about it].

These latter words were written from him who had been among robbers, and was pulled apart in this way. 1747, the 26th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 404


There were certain spirits who during their life only wanted to enrich themselves, and indeed by that craft to which diligent merchants are accustomed, namely, that they insinuate themselves [into the company of others] so that they may acquire wealth from them, hankering after their riches to which they direct their "animus" under [the guise of] friendship. These spirits wander about, and wherever they come, they inquire whether they can be with them, saying that they are poor, for which reason they are received; but because they hanker after their wealth or possessions, they are expelled thence. Therefore they again wander around and do similar things until they have learnt to speak one thing and think another, which also they do so diligently that spirits can scarcely know otherwise than that they are such as they say they are. Such a spirit also came to me and asked whether he might stay there by serving, to whom I replied that I am nothing, but that everyone is received by God Messiah. But because they were such, and perhaps wanted to say one thing with their mouth, and another in their heart, there was, therefore, given the power over one of them to punish him in a miserable manner, for there were many dissentient spirits who wanted to have him as a subject for speaking and acting. Since these were contrary [to one another], that subject was miserably rent, that is, being acted upon on both sides he was lacerated, and this continuously for about an hour's duration. Indeed by means of phantasies they induced upon him a kind of body, and thus endeavored to lacerate the whole and the parts. How much pain he felt therefrom I cannot know, for the pain is mitigated according to the degree and quality of the simulation. The one who spoke with me said it was most cruel. It becomes more and more painful as the phantasy that there is a body is induced, with a sense like that of the body; also as far as weariness and resistance are induced, so that he wants to be liberated and delivered from those spirits, for it is impossible for him to be able to free himself. It is a species of minute rending. The lacerating spirits admitted that they derived much pleasure from thus being able to torture souls. It is therefore permitted to their associate spirits, in order and process of time, to torture them so that they may learn thereby to abstain from, and at length abhor, the like pleasure. Moreover, they were next sent away, and, with a changed speech, they went to other spirits that they might insinuate themselves; but they were again cast out because those spirits recognized them, and said that they were insinuating themselves in order to despoil them of their possessions, for the phantasy is also induced by spirits that they have wealth, which such spirits hanker after. They related that they were also penalized elsewhere. Such a condition awaits those who, under the guise of friendship, impose upon others only for the purpose that they may be enriched by their wealth, as do very many in the world. They wander about as if in desert places, and when they find companions, whom they deceive, they are cast out with punishment, so that they are more miserable than such men can believe. These latter words are written from him who has been among the robbers, and torn in this manner. 1747, Dec. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 404 (original Latin 1748-1764)

404. De vita et punitione eorum, qui in vita sibi volunt lucrari, et solum consulere

Quidam erant, qui in vita sibi solum lucrari voluerunt, et quidem ea arte, qua solent industrii mercatores 1

, nempe quod se insinuent, ut ab iis lucrum capiant, inhiando tunc eorum opibus, in quas sub amicitia animum intendunt; ii vagantur et ubicunque veniunt interrogant, num cum iis esse possint, dicendo se pauperes, quare accipiuntur, sed quia eorum opibus, aut facultatibus inhiant, inde propelluntur, quare iterum circumvagantur, et similia agunt, usque dum didicerint aliud loqui et aliud cogitare, quod etiam ita industrie 2

faciunt, ut vix scire queant spiritus, quam quod tales sint, quales se esse dicunt; ita ad me etiam spiritus talis venit, rogavitque an hic morari potuisset, serviendo, cui respondebam quod nihil sim, sed quod omnis accipiatur a Deo Messia; sed quia tales fuerunt, et fortasse aliud ore loqui, aliud corde vellent, ideo data super unum eorum potestas puniendi modo miserabili, erant enim spiritus dissentientes plures, qui eum pro subjecto loquendi agendique habere vellent, qui quia 3

contrarii erant, subjectum illud misere discerpebatur, seu utrinque agendo lacerabatur, et hoc continue per circiter horae spatium, imo per phantasias inducebant ei speciem corporis, et sic totum et partes lacerare 4

, [erant] conantes 5

, quantum doloris inde senserit, non scire possum, nam lenitur dolor secundum gradum et qualitatem simulationis, crudelissimum fuisse dicit, qui mecum loquitur; evadit magis magisque dolorificus, sicut inducitur phantasia quod sit corpus, cum sensu qualis est corporis, tum quantum inducitur taedium et renisus, ut velit liberari et ab iis solvi, nam impossibile est, ut is se liberare 6

queat, est species discerptionis minutae; spiritus lacerantes fassi sunt, quod inde voluptatem cepissent multam, quod ita animas cruciare possent, quare sociis spiritibus permissum est, eos ordine et successu temporis cruciare, ut inde discerent abstinere, et tandem abhorrere simili voluptati. Praeterea missi dein sunt, et 7

mutata loquela iverunt ad spiritus, ut se insinuarent, sed iterum inde ejecti, quia spiritus agnoverunt eos, et dixerunt quod se insinuarent, ut diriperent facultates eorum, nam inducitur etiam a spiritibus phantasia, quod opes habeant, quibus inhiant similes, narrabant quod etiam mulctati sint alibi; talis conditio manet eos, qui sub amicitiae specie inducunt alios, ut modo divitias eorum lucrentur, sicut in mundo perplures sunt: pervagantur sicut in desertis locis, et dum inveniunt socios, quos fallunt, cum punitione ejiciuntur, ita miseriores sunt, quam ut aures 8

talis id credere possint; haec posteriora verba sunt scripta ex eo, qui inter latrones fuit, ac ita discerptus. 1747, die 26 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has mercetores

2. inclarum in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has qui

4. The Manuscript has lacerere

5. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

6. The Manuscript has libeare

7. The Manuscript has forte ita vel iterum

8. In the Manuscript aurib[us] in aures emendatum esse nobis videtur

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