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《灵界经历》 第4119节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4119

4119. There are spirits with a person who are of the same conviction and the same passion, which spirits can be called mediums of many; for a conviction with a person and a passion, at once arouses those who are similar. Each mental image one has, reflects the whole person, thus the whole spirit. When the idea or mental image of him is displayed, he is immediately present.

[2] Such is the order existing in the other life, as has become clear to me from many, many experiences. But there still remains a general conviction, or a prevailing conviction, thus a prevailing passion; thus there are spirits with a person from the same genus, until his conviction changes, and the passion changes - as when he is reformed, and is regenerated, when other spirits take their place, as a result.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4119

4119. There are spirits with a man who are in a like persuasion and a like cupidity, and who may be called the subjects of many; for the persuasion and the cupidity of the man immediately excite those who are [in this respect] like him. Every single idea represents the whole man, thus the whole spirit, whose idea or image being presented, he is immediately present himself. Such is the order [of things] in the other life, as was evinced to me by a multitude of proofs. Yet there still remains a common persuasion, or a ruling persuasion, thus also a ruling cupidity. Thus spirits of a like kind are with man, and they remain with him until his persuasion and his cupidity are changed, or till he is reformed and becomes regenerate, when, as a consequence, other spirits succeed [and take their place].

Experientiae Spirituales 4119 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4119. Apud hominem sunt spiritus, qui in simili persuasione et in simili cupiditate sunt, qui spiritus vocari possunt subjecta plurium; nam persuasio apud hominem et cupiditas excitat illico eos, qui similes sunt; unaquaevis idea refert totum hominem, sic totum spiritum, cujus idea seu imago cum sistitur, illico adest: talis est ordo in altera vita: quod plurimis mihi constiterat: sed usque manet communis persuasio, seu persuasio regnans, ita cupiditas regnans; ita ex simili genere, sunt spiritus apud hominem, usque dum persuasio ejus mutatur, et cupiditas mutatur, ut dum reformatur, et regeneratus fit, tunc succedunt alii spiritus, quod sequitur.

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