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《灵界经历》 第4122节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4122

4122. namely, that the Lord activates, provides, and enables all things, but evils indirectly through evil spirits, and arranges that all evils even to the very least are turned into good; thus one and the same container receives opposite feelings, attaching itself to every truth - for it is even a truth that no evil can come into existence unless the Lord permits it. It is also a truth that whatever He does permit, He does by means of evil spirits, and that He does not permit it unless the person is so evil that he cannot be corrected without the evil.

It is also a truth that nothing of evil is from the Lord. Therefore, in order that the words of the Word may apply to everyone, there are sayings so general that they can be of service to everyone, about which matter I spoke with spirits. 1748, 8 Dec.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4122

4122. At the same time truths may be applied to those vessels, as that the Lord does and foresees everything, and is omnipotent, but that evils accrue mediately through evil spirits; as also that He so orders and disposes, that all and singular evils are converted into good. In this way one and the same vessels receives contrary senses, and thus applies itself to every kind of truth, for it is a truth that no evil can exist without the Lord's permission. It is a truth also that whatever he permits takes place through the agency of evil spirits, and that he would not permit it, were not man so evil that without evil he cannot be reformed. It is moreover a truth, that there is no evil from the Lord. In order therefore that the words of the Word may be applicable to everyone [according to his state], they are of this most general character, in consequence of which they become available to each individual. Upon these points I conversed with spirits. - 1748, December 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4122 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4122. vera, nempe quod Dominus omnia agat, provideat, et possit, sed mala mediate per malos spiritus, et disponit, ut omnia mala et singula vertantur in bonum; ita unum vas contrarios sensus recipit, ita applicat se unicuivis veritati; nam veritas etiam est, quod nullum malum existere potest, nisi permittente Domino, veritas quoque est, quod quicquid permittit, id fit per spiritus malos, et quod non permittat, nisi homo ita malus sit, ut absque malo non emendari queat: veritas etiam est, quod nihil mali a Domino: ut ergo unicuivis applicentur verba Verbi, sunt tam communissima, ut unicuivis inservire possint, de his loquutus cum spiritibus. 1748, 8 Dec.

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