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《灵界经历》 第4123节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4123

4123. About the things revealed 1

There are spirits who do not want anything to be said about the things revealed, but they were told that those passages are in place of miracles, and that without them they would neither learn that such a book exists, nor buy it, nor read it, nor understand it, nor be moved by it, nor believe it. In short, they do not know, nor wish to hear anything about the inward contents of the Word, which they consider as fantasies - only a few educated people [would receive it], the majority of whom would reject it. 1748, 9 Dec.


1. "Probably AC 1" - F.E. Waelchli.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4123


There are spirits who are averse to anything being said concerning the things revealed [to me], but it was replied that they are instead of miracles, and that without them men would not know the character of the book, nor would they buy it, or read it, or understand it, or be affected by it, or believe it - in a word, that they would remain in ignorance [of the whole subject] nor would wish to hear anything respecting the interiors of the Word, which they regard as mere phantasies. Such as are simply men of learning will for the most reject them. - 1748, December 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 4123 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4123. De revelatis

Spiritus sunt, qui non volunt ut aliquid de revelatis dicatur, sed iis dictum quod ea loco miraculorum sint, et quod absque iis, nec sciunt quod talis liber sit, non emunt, non legunt, non intelligunt, non afficiuntur, non credunt, verbo ignorant, nec quicquam volunt audire de interioribus Verbi, quae ut phantasias putant; aliqui docti solum, quorum maxima pars rejiceret. 1748, 9 Dec.

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