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《灵界经历》 第4128节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4128

4128. Then angelic spirits spoke with me later in a dream by means of symbolic portrayals, but the portrayals were such that I understood clearly in the dream, including the whole series, what they meant, so that I was definitely speaking in the same language which was not a language, but a vision accompanied by a clear grasp of the matter and what it was about. So it was pointed out to me why those dreadful sights appeared to me and I suffered those things.

It was quite a lengthy conversation, with clear understanding, and I also replied in the same visible speech. But when I awoke, I could understand not a thing, much less put it into words. I wanted to recall things, but could not, because they were the kind of things that do not fall into a sense expressible by language. These things also showed me what the state of happiness is of those in the inward realm, and that their communication with each other by portraying their inward thought is beyond description. Therefore their happiness is at its peak when displays of this kind are also joined with the feeling of happiness, which is absolutely unutterable. 1748, 22 Dec.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4128

4128. Angelic spirits then subsequently spoke with me in my sleep by means of representations, but the representations were such that I clearly perceived them while asleep, in their entire series, and what they signified, so that I was myself altogether in the same speech, which, however, was not properly speech, but vision, accompanied with a manifest preception of the object in its reality. It was thus indicated why those direful sights were seen by me, and such things suffered. The spectacle was sufficiently prolonged in duration, with a clear perception, and I answered by a like intuitive speech. But when I awoke I could not understand a single item [of what I had seen], still less declare it. I wished to recall it, but could not, because they were such things as do not fall under the sense that is expressed by speech; but I learned from them what is the state of the blessed in an interior sphere, namely, that their communication with each other through the representatives of interior thought is such as cannot be described; wherefore their felicity is supreme, since similar things are conjoined with the perception of felicity, which is something that is absolutely unutterable. - 1748, December 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 4128 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4128. Tunc spiritus angelici postea per repraesentationes mecum loquuti in somno, sed repraesentationes tales erant, ut perciperem manifeste in somno, et totam seriem, quae significabant, sic ut essem prorsus in eadem loquela, quae non erat loquela sed visio cum perceptione manifesta rei, quomodo se res haberet, sic mihi indicatum, quare dira ista mihi visa sunt, et quod ea passus: satis prolixum erat, cum perceptione manifesta, et respondebam quoque per similem intuitivam loquelam: sed cum evigilatus, ne hilum potui intelligere, minus enuntiare; volui revocare, sed non potui, quia talia erant quae non cadunt sub sensum qui per loquelam exprimitur; ex quibus mihi quoque constabat status felicium in interiori sphaera, quod eorum communicatio inter se per repraesentativa cogitationis interioris sint talia ut describi nequeant; quare eorum felicitas summa est, cum similia quoque conjuncta sunt cum perceptione felicitatis, quae nequaquam enuntiabilis est. 1748, 22 Dec.

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