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《灵界经历》 第4132节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4132

4132. Generally speaking, the state of spirits and of angels is relatively a state of sleep, for when they are in the present, they see things clearly; but He who sees all things from eternity, and the series of all things following, is in a state of wakefulness, thus the Lord Alone.

It was shown to me that it is a state of sleep, for I fell asleep together with them, in which state I supposed that all things were real, whereas I was later given to learn that they were not real. So spirits and angels can do nothing that is true and good from themselves. 1749, 7 Jan.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4132

4132. The state of spirits and angels is, in general, a state of comparative sleep, for since they are in the present [instead of the past or future], they distinctly perceive things as present [like one asleep], but he who sees all things from eternity, and the series of all results, is in a state of wakefulness, which fully holds of the Lord alone. That it is a sleep was shown me from the circumstance of my falling into a sleep with them, in which state I supposed that things were really so and so, when yet it was afterwards given to know that such was not the case. Thus spirits and angels can of themselves do nothing which is good and true. - 1749, January 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 4132 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4132. In genere status spirituum et angelorum est status somni, respective, nam cum in praesenti sunt, vident manifeste ea, sed qui omnia ab aeterno videt, et consequentium omnium seriem, in statu vigiliae est ita Solus Dominus: ostensum mihi quod status somni sit, nam lapsus cum iis in somnum, in quo statu putabam prorsus ita esse, cum postea datum scire quod non ita: ita spiritus et angeli, nihil a se quod verum et bonum est facere possunt. 1749, 7 Jan.

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