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《灵界经历》 第4133节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4133

4133. The things that are being written will appear hypothetical and blemished

I seemed in a dream to be attending a large banquet, finally clad in a bright mohair garment, but being first without clothing, I was ashamed, and went out to put on some clothes. A grayish black suit was forbidden, and another one I gave to the servant to stella sopor, 1the one I put on being of a ljusguhl, 2with long sleeves, the right sleeve marked by spots.

[2] On awakening, I spoke with a descendent of the most ancient [Church] overhead concerning the dream, and its meaning, who thought these things ought not to be confirmed in this manner by means of parallel passages, but if left naked, it would be as if they were in the very white mohair garment, but confirmed by so many statements, it would be as if they were clothed in that suit.

But I said and showed in various ways that it ought to be done as I have done it, for the world today is such that it prefers by far a suit like that to such a garment. It was shown that the ljusguhl 3color of the suit symbolized what is hypothetical.


1. Swedish for "put in the trash."

2. Swedish for "bright yellow."

3. Swedish for "bright yellow."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4133


While in a delightful dream, I seemed to be present at a great entertainment, and after a time to be clad in very white hair-cloth, but without any other garments. Prompted by an emotion of shame, I went out in order to put on additional raiment, and seeming to myself to be forbidden to assume one of a dark gray color, I handed another to a servant [ut stalla saxer]. 1They arrayed me with this, which was of a slightly yellow color, with long sleeves, the right marked by spots. Having awoke I spoke concerning the dream with the posterity of the Most Ancient Church, who were above the head, inquiring as to its signification. They supposed the import to be that the things written were not to be confirmed, as I was doing it, by parallel places, but that if left naked [or simple] it would be as if clothed with the very white sackcloth, whereas, if confirmed by so many [parallel] sayings, it would be as if clothed with the other garment. But it was said and shown in various ways that it ought to be managed in the mode I had adopted, for the world is such at this day, that it altogether prefers such a garment to the hair-cloth described. It was shown that the yellow color of the garment signifies that which is hypothetical.


1. A Swedish phrase, of which we are unable to ascertain the import.

Experientiae Spirituales 4133 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4133. Quod quae scribuntur apparitura sint ut hypothetica cum maculis

Visus in somnio sum esse in magno convivio, tandem in cilicio candidissimo, sed quia absque veste, pudebat me, ideo exibam, ut induerem vestem, vetitum vestem grisee nigram, aliam dedi servo, ut stella sopor 1

, eam mihi induebam, erat coloris liusguhl 2

, cum manticis longis, et in dextra maculae, evigilatus, loquutus sum cum antiquissimae [Ecclesiae] posteritate supra caput de somnio, quid significaret, quae putabat, non ita confirmanda esse, locis parallelis, sed si nuda, foret ut in cilicio albissimo, at confirmata tot dictis, sicut in veste ista; sed dictum et ostensum variis, quod oporteat ita esse, nam talis est hodie mundus, ut vestem istam talem praeferat multum cilicio tali; ostensum quod color vestis liusguhl significaret hypotheticum.


1. h.e. stalla sporo = deponeret inter quisquilias (verba suecica)

2. = flavi candidi (vox suecica)

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