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《灵界经历》 第4135节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4135

4135. The right side of a naked human back near the arm was shown, by which it was said to be symbolized that only that may be shown for the time being, because only the most ancient Church is treated of, when yet the Word is such that if the front parts of a person [are displayed], it embraces all things universally, both heaven and the lands, from eternity to eternity, and the individual people, as well as the very least things in the individuals, 1749, 9 Jan., which are the front parts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4135

4135. There was shown the right part of a human back naked about the arms, by which was said to be signified, that that only is to be shown at present, because the Most Ancient Church alone is treated of, while yet the Word is such as to represent the anterior parts of a man, because it embraces everything in the universe, both in heaven and the earths, from eternity to eternity, each one in particular and everything in each [singula in singulis]. - 1749, January 9, which things are anterior.

Experientiae Spirituales 4135 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4135. Ostensa dextra pars tergi humani nudi circa brachium, quo significatum et dictum, quod solum ea ostendatur nunc, quia de antiquissima solum Ecclesia agitur, cum tamen Verbum ita est, ut si anteriora hominis, quod complectatur omnia in universali, tam coelum quam terras, ab aeterno ad aeternum, et singulos, tum singula in singulis, 1749, 9 Jan., quae sunt anteriora.

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