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《灵界经历》 第4136节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4136

4136. On the pulsation of the heart

It was granted me to feel the pulsation of the heart in the occiput, very vividly. The heartbeat of the spiritual was rapid, and vibratory, strong. The heartbeat of the heavenly is more gentle, almost like the human heartbeat, silent, not vibratory. The intervals of the pulse of the spiritual to the intervals of the heavenly are in the ratio of 2q/s to 1, so that the pulse of the heavenly extends through the spiritual, and thus goes out from what is heavenly. 1749, 10 Jan.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4136


It was given me to feel, with the utmost distinctness, the pulsations of the heart in the occiput. The pulse of the heart of the spirituals is rapid, vibratory, and strong; that of the celestials is slow, tacit, and non-vibratory, almost like the pulse of the human heart. The momentum of the spiritual pulse is to that of the celestial as two and a half to one. The reason is, that the celestial pulse is continued through the spirituals, and thus issues from the celestial. - 1749, January 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 4136 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4136. De cordis pulsu

Sentire datum pulsus cordis in occipitio, perquam vive; pulsus cordis spiritualium, erat celer, et vibratorius, fortis; pulsus cordis coelestium est lentior, fere sicut humanus, tacitus, non vibratorius; momenta spiritualium pulsus ad momenta coelestium est ut 2 1/2 ad 1: causa ut continuetur pulsus coelestium per spirituales, et sic exeat a coelesti. 1749, 10 Jan.

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