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《灵界经历》 第4137节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4137

4137. How it is with evils and falsities

Everything whatever that flows from the own self of angels, spirits and people on earth, is evil and false. They can never bring forth anything even the very least of goodness and truth, and as much as they are left to themselves, so much they bring forth of evil and falsity, and so much of misfortune - if it does not appear at the moment, it nevertheless does so later, little by little; as much as they have from the Lord, so much they have of goodness and truth, because the Lord is Goodness and Truth. This shows where evils and falsities come from; for no matter how hard the evil try to do good things, they cannot. This applies in general to all and the very least cases. 1749, 11 Jan. I clearly realized that it is so.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4137


Whatever at any time flows from the proprium of angels, spirits, and men is evil and false. They can never produce anything, not even the least particle of goodness and truth. Just so far as they are left to themselves, just so much of the evil and false is produced, therefore so much of misfortune or disaster, which if it does not appear at once will yet manifest itself afterwards. As far [on the other hand] as anyone acts from the Lord, so far is he in the production of goodness and truth, because the Lord is goodness and truth. Hence it appears from whence flow evils and falses; for the evil, however much they may will it, cannot do good; thus in general as to alls and singulars. - 1749, January 11. It was most distinctly perceived that the fact is as now stated.

Experientiae Spirituales 4137 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4137. Quomodo se habent mala et falsa

Quicquid usquam a proprio angelorum, spirituum et hominum fluit, est malum et falsum, nusquam aliquid nec minimum boni et veri producere possunt, quantum relinquuntur sibi tantum mali et falsi producitur, ideo tantum infortunii, si non apparet in praesenti, usque successive et postea; quantum a Domino, tantum boni et veri, quia Dominus est Bonum et Verum; inde constare potest, unde mala et falsa; nam utcunque volunt mali bona facere, non possunt; ita in genere omnia et singula. 1749, 11 Jan. Hoc perceptum est manifeste, quod ita sit.

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