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《灵界经历》 第4139节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4139

4139. About evil spirits

I realized why evil spirits are more cunning than good ones, or the children of the kingdom, as well as why the evil attack, and the good only defend: because the evil think nothing but evil, and how to hurt, this being their pleasure - the good never! 1749, 22 Jan. 1


1. The autograph has "1748, 22 Jan."

Spirits appear to be present

Together with spirits, I have thought about the fact that spirits may appear to be present, even if they are far away, and nevertheless operate as if they were present in that place - nor can one believe otherwise, because their presence is felt. But it is like the sound of the lips in the ear of one at a distance, which is perceived as if he who is speaking were present, whereas it is the sound of the throat and the tongue. It is similar in the case of the sight that can penetrate far into the distance, even though the eye is in its own place. So also in the case of thought, which can wander off into the universe, even though it is in the person's brain. For thought affects one as sound does the ear, and where the thought is, the spirit is imagined to be, so it is an appearance. For place cannot be ascribed to thought, but only to the organic substance from which it proceeds; and because thought affects one, one does not believe otherwise than that the spirit himself is in that place. So it is an appearance, although the effect is the same as if there were an actual presence. 1749, 2 Febr.

About a new Church called Enosh, Gen. 4:26

Some from the Church that was called Enosh, Gen. 4:26, to be discussed at the end of this chapter, spoke with me, who held charity to be the principal property of faith. I noticed that they approached softly, near the head upwards, speaking with restraint, saying that they live among themselves charitably, and perform friendly services to others, but do not think so very much about the Lord, but still somewhat. This showed that their charity was the charity of friendship, and somewhat also the charity of faith. They live quietly, causing inconvenience to no one, like good citizens. 1749, 4 Febr. 1L

1. This paragraph is marked in the margin with the number 2 and a waving vertical line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4139


It was perceived why evil spirits are more cunning than the good, or the sons of the kingdom, and why the evil assault and the good only defend or resist; namely, because the evil think nothing but evil and how to injure; in this consists their delight, but never in good. - 1749, January 22.


I have thought in connection with spirits concerning the fact that spirits may appear present though at a great distance remote, and that they operate as much in the presence of others as if they were actually there, nor can it be believed to be otherwise, as their presence is felt. The case is like that of the sound of the lips on the ear of one at a distance, in which the perception is as if the speaker were present to the ear, while yet it is merely the sound made by the throat and tongue [of one who is more or less remote]. So also is it in regard to the sight which extends itself into the distance, while the eye remains in its place. Thus it is with thought which can expatiate abroad in the universe, although its seat is in the human brain; for thought affects one as sound does the ear, and where the thought it, there the spirit is supposed to be. It is, however, an appearance, for place cannot be predicated of thought, but only of the organic substance from which thought flows; and because thought affects [the percipient], nothing else is believed than that the spirit itself is locally there. It is therefore an appearance, although the effect is the same as if there was an actual presence. - 1749, February 2.


Certain persons spoke with me who were of the church called Enosch, Gen. 4:26, and spoken of in the end of that chapter, which church held charity as the principal point of faith. It was perceived that they approached very gently, near the head upwards, and that they spoke modestly, saying that they lived in charity, among themselves, and performed offices of friendship to others, but that they did not think so very much concerning the Lord, though still something; from which it appeared that their charity was the charity of friendship, and but in a slight degree the charity of faith. They live in quiet, and like good citizens, causing inconvenience to no one. - 1749, February 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 4139 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4139. De malis spiritibus

Perceptum, cur mali spiritus astutiores sint quam boni, seu filii regni, tum quare mali aggrediuntur et boni solum defendunt; quia mali nihil cogitant nisi malum, et laedere, in iis consistit jucundum eorum, boni nusquam. 1748, 22 Jan.

Quod spiritus praesentes appareant

Cogitavi cum spiritibus, de eo, quod praesentes appareant spiritus, tametsi longinquo absunt, et tamen praesentes operantur, sicut ibi essent, nec aliter credi potest, quia sentitur praesentia: sed se habet sicut sonus labiorum in distantis aure, in qua percipitur sicut is esset qui loquitur, cum tamen sonus est gutturis et linguae: similiter se habet cum visu, qui in longinquum videre potest, tametsi oculus est in loco suo. Ita quoque cogitatio, quae in universum exspatiari potest, tametsi in hominis cerebro; quia cogitatio afficit sicut sonus aurem, et ubi cogitatio putatur spiritus, ideo est apparentia; nam locus non tribui potest cogitationi, sed est substantiae organicae e qua, et quia cogitatio afficit, non creditur aliud quam [quod] ipse spiritus ibi sit: quare est apparentia, effectus tametsi est sicut esset praesens. 1749, 2 Febr. 266

De Ecclesia nova dicta Enosch, Gen. IV: 26

Loquuti sunt mecum quidam ab Ecclesia, quae dicta est Enosch, Gen. IV: 26, de qua in fine istius capitis, quae charitatem pro principali fidei habuit; percipiebatur quod moliter advenerint, prope caput superne, et loquuti modeste, dicentes, quod inter se vivant in charitate, et aliis praestent officia amicitiae, sed non ita multum cogitant de Domino, usque aliquid; ex quibus constabat, quod charitas eorum esset charitas amicitiae, et aliquantum etiam, charitas fidei; in quiete vivunt, nulli aliquod incommodum afferunt; ut boni cives. 1749, 4 Febr.

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