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《灵界经历》 第4140节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4140

4140. The speech 1of angelic spirits

The thought of angelic spirits 2

This can hardly be described in the most general terms, as, for instance, that mental imagery is tied variously to real things, even that it is in the real things, which are like containers, or centers from which numerous things arise, so that if only there is truth [and] good, then truth and good can be portrayed in many ways, and be attached to them and be in them, and thence their imagery be spread around into many areas. Symbolic portrayals can also be shaped in which they are and to which they are attached - such as bright, golden candlesticks variously decorated with symbolic ornaments. A candlestick so fashioned, for example, may serve as an object, as a container, whence innumerable scenes arise from a single subject consisting of many subjects together. From whatever affection they are thinking, be it a sigh, a laugh, or any other, they can have in it, and with it, many more subjects having things that are in or with them. For everything of that kind, such as a laugh, comes forth due to many causes, and in these causes are also the various causes of causes, which are unknown to man, and can never be investigated.

[2] Also formed out of real things are the varied and numerous auras, such as the various auras of goodness, with their own light, with tempering of the light by countless means. By the presence of the light and its moderation, the aura is tempered by feelings and the countless shapes of the feelings, by removals through thought alone of those things they wish to go away, which then depart, and thus tempering the auras of real things and symbolic portrayals, so that it is unutterable how many scenes there are beyond number, that must be called countless numbers of countless numbers of countless numbers, 312Febr. 1749: as in Psalm 144:12, "that our daughters may be as cornerstones, cut out in the figure of a palace," goods here to be understood by daughters, which can be portrayed by angelic mental imagery, never otherwise than in an angelically living manner, with innumerable details.


1. This word is semi-deleted in the manuscript.

2. The manuscript has angelorum.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4140


It is scarcely possible to describe, even in the most general way, how it is that ideas are variously bound or tied to things, and that they inhere in things, which things are a kind of vessels or centers, from which are numerous issues like rays from the sun. If a thing true and good be assumed, then that truth and good may be represented in a variety of ways, and their ideas may be with them, and in them, and thence diffuse themselves into many other things. Representations also may be formed in which and to which ideas may be annexed, as white or golden candlesticks, variously decorated with representative ornament. Thus, for example, a candlestick so formed may serve for a subject or vessel from whence may flow innumerable varieties of other subjects represented at the same time. From whatever affection they think, as from a sigh, from a laugh, and so forth, in that thing there may be latent multitudes of other things simultaneously present and inhering; for each thing of the kind, as a laugh, for instance, exists from many causes, and in these causes inhere also, as a formative power, the causes of causes, which are unknown to man, and can never be explored. There are moreover formed from things various and multiplied spheres, as various spheres of goodness, with their own light, with the tempering of light, which exists in innumerable shades and degrees. Such spheres are produced also by means of affections, and the countless forms of affections; as also by the bare cogitative or ideal removal of those things which it is desired should be absent, and which accordingly recede. In this manner the spheres of objects and of representations are tempered, so that it is ineffable to what degree these varieties exist; indeed they may be called, as to number, indefinites of indefinites of indefinites. - 1749, February 12. Thus, for instance, Ps. 144:12, "That our daughters may be as corner-stones polished after the similitude of a palace;" daughters here stand for goods, which may be represented to and by angelic ideas to the very life in innumerable particulars, but not otherwise.

Experientiae Spirituales 4140 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4140. [Loquela] spirituum angelicorum

Cogitatio spirituum angelicorum

Vix describi communissime potest, ut quod ideae alligentur varie rebus, etiam quod insunt rebus, quae res sunt sicut vasa, aut centra a quibus perplura, ut solum si verum [et] bonum sit, tunc repraesentari potest verum et bonum multis modis, et ad ista esse, et in istis esse, et inde diffundi eorum ideae in permulta; formari etiam repraesentationes possunt, in quibus et ad quas sint, ut candelabra candida, aurea, varie cum decoramentis, quae repraesentativa ut ex: causa candelabrum ita formatum pro subjecto sit, pro vase sit, proinde innumerae varietates ex subjecto plurium subjectorum simul: ex qualibet affectione cogitant, sic ex suspirio, ex risu et omni alia, in eo possunt, et ibi habere plura, quibus simul insint vel adsint, nam unumquodvis tale, ut risus, ex multis causis existit, causae cum causarum causis, homini ignotis et nusquam explorandis insunt, variis: etiam formantur variae et multiplices sphaerae ex rebus, ut sphaerae bonitatis variae, cum sua luce, cum lucis temperatura, per innumerabilia, per lucis et temperaturae [praesentiam] ita temperatur [sphaera] per affectiones et affectionum formas innumeras; per remotiones solum cogitativas eorum, quae volunt ut absint, discedunt tunc, et sic temperando sphaeras rerum, et repraesentationum, sic ut ineffabile sit, tot indefinitae varietates, ut dicendae indefinitates indefinitatum indefinitarum, 12 Febr. 1749: sicut quae Psalm. CXLIV: 12, quod filiae nostrae sicut anguli, excisae figura palatii, hic bona pro filiabus, quae repraesentari possunt ideis angelicis, nusquam alias, ac angelice ad vivum, cum innumerabilibus.

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