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《灵界经历》 第4146节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4146

4146. The angels' conversations come down into symbolic portrayals such as those in the Word

Several times I have been shown in a dream that spiritual angels spoke among themselves to the effect that truths were not written by me, and other like statements. Then in sleep I seemed to myself to commit whoredom, even adultery, thus what they spoke was portrayed in dreams. From these and other such or similar experiences, it is evident that angelic conversations come down into such portrayals as those in the Word, indeed, into such words as are there. This was confirmed also by the fact that because it had been granted me to learn this, and after that so hostile dream I suspected it, they then acknowledged it

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4146


It was sometimes shown in sleep that the spiritual angels in conversing together said, that the things written by me were not true, or to that effect. I then seemed to myself in sleep to be guilty of scortation and even of adultery; the import of what they said being thus represented in dreams. From these and similar things it may appear, that angelic discourses fall into such representations as occur in the Word, nay into such terms as are found there; which is confirmed also by the circumstance, that it was given to know the fact, as after a sleep thus infested I thought it and they then acknowledged it.

Experientiae Spirituales 4146 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4146. Quod angelorum loquelae cadant in repraesentationes quales in Verbo

Aliquoties ostensum in somnio, quod angeli spirituales inter se loquuti de eo, quod non a me scripta sint vera, seu similia alia, tunc in somno visus sim mihi scortari, imo adulterari, ita in somniis repraesentatum est quod loquuti; ex his et aliis talibus et similibus, constare potest, quod loquelae angelicae cadant in tales repraesentationes, quales sunt in Verbo, imo in tales voces quae sunt ibi; quod confirmatum quoque, per id, quod quia datum nosse id, et post somnium tam infestum id cogitavi, et ii tunc agnoverunt.

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