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《灵界经历》 第415节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 415

415. Spirits know how to shift their own evil to another in an instant; likewise [to turn] good into evil

It is amazing how spirits, from what seems to be a natural instinct, are able at once to transform good into evil, and this very expertly, as though they had learned it from long practice. Likewise, how they can transfer some punishment or other, which they have coming to them, to someone else, and even to an innocent person, and thus escape it that time around. This has become evident to me from much experience, which would be too much to cite.

This kind of nature or instinct has no other origin than the habit formed in bodily life of lying, and thereby shifting all blame to another, or causing suspicion to fall upon another, so as to be freed of it oneself. This is what leads to such a distorted character. 1747, the 28th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 415


It is wonderful that spirits, from a kind of natural instinct, can at once transfer good into evil, and indeed as assiduously as though they had learnt it from long continued use. It is equally wonderful that they can transfer any penalty or similar thing inflicted upon themselves to another, and indeed to one who is innocent, and so escape from their fate. This has been made evident to me by much experience which it would be tedious to relate. Such a nature or instinct comes from no other source than from the habit of lying, and thus during the life of the body of transferring whatever blame they may have to others, or of contriving that suspicion may fall upon another, that they themselves may be freed. Hence there is derived so depraved a nature. 11747, Dec. 28.


1. Crossed out: "which unless it be removed, cannot but undergo vastation".

Experientiae Spirituales 415 (original Latin 1748-1764)

415. Quod spiritus momento sciant transportare malum suum, in alterum, tum bonum in malum

Mirabile est, quod spiritus ex naturali quasi instinctu illico possint transferre bonum in malum, et quidem tam industrie, tanquam id ex usu diutino didicerint; pariter quod possint aliquam poenam aut simile iis illatum, illud in alium et quidem in innocentem transferre, et sic se subducere quoad eam vicem; hoc 1

multa experientia mihi constitit, quam proferre, prolixum opus foret: similis natura seu instinctus non aliunde venit, quam ex habitu mentiendi, et sic quid culpae in iis sit, eam in vita corporis transferre in alios, seu facere 2

ut suspicio cadat in alium, ut ii liberentur; inde talis prava indoles ducitur. 1747, die 28 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has fortasse haec

2. inteltexerim transfereni...faciendi

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