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《灵界经历》 第4151节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4151

4151. About an amazing inflow

I dreamt of someone in the house of a count of the equestrian order, who stole from me my bedspread, together with the stora bolstret, 1as well as a cloak lined with wolf-skin, and another long skin of the same kind, and I spoke with him. It was Carl Broman, who had stolen these, and he told me that he would return them. He had thought that it was lawful to take them, due to a law thus construed.

But I suddenly became incensed and said that he should return them, but if he was unwilling, he could keep them. For I had been present, and ill, and he therefore had no right to take them away.

When I had dreamed all this, I awoke and thought about the dream, and heard above me those who were saying in turns that this was right, this was not, but they were in entirely different mental imagery, in no way the same dream - which they told me, saying that their entirely different imagery flowed in in this way: that the bolstret in the dream to them was a blessing, the long wolf-skin the Sabbath rest of blessings, and so on, and yet the discourse of the latter flowed in with me and entirely agreed with the discourse of the former.


1. Swedish for "large pillow."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4151


I dreamed of being in the house of a Count of the equestrian order, with a certain one who stole from me the counterpane of my bed, together with the bolster [stora bolstert], as also a cloak lined with wolf-skin, and another long skin of the same kind. I spoke to the person - it was Carl Broman - who took these things, and he said he would restore them. He supposed it was lawful for him to take them on account of a law passed; but being suddenly angered I said he ought [at once] to restore them, but if he would not he might have them, for I was present all the time, sick, and thus he had no right to take them away. Having dreamed all this, when I awoke I thought over the dream and I heard above me those who followed one after another saying [some of them] that it was just, [and some] that it was not, but they were respectively in an idea altogether different, and in a dream totally unlike. They also remarked that their entirely dissimilar ideas flowed in in this manner and said moreover that the bolster in the dream signified to them a blessing that the long wolf-skin was a sabbatical rest of blessings and so on; and yet the discourse of the one party flowed in with me in this way, and agreed altogether with the discourse of the others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4151 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4151. De influxu mirabili

Somniavi de quodam in domo comitis equestris ordinis qui abstulit mihi stratum lecti, cum stora bolstret, tum pallium sub quo pellis vulpina, tum aliam pellem vulpinam longam, et loquutus cum eo, erat Carl Broman, qui hoc abstulit, et dixit mihi quod restitueret, putavit quod licitum esse auferre propter legem ita latam, sed ego subito accensus dixi, quod hoc debeat restituere, si nollet, habeat, nam praesens fui, aegrotus, et sic quod nullum jus haberet auferre: cum haec somniavi evigilatus et cogitavi de somnio, et audivi supra me, eos, qui sequebantur hoc esse justum, hoc non esse, sed erant ii prorsus in alia idea, ne minimum simili somnio; quod mihi dicebant, quod ideae eorum prorsus dissimiles ita influerent; dicendo quod bolstret in somnio esset iis benedictio, vulpina pellis longa benedictionum quies sabbathica et sic porro, et usque eorum sermo ita apud me influebat, et prorsus cohaerebat cum illorum sermone.

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