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《灵界经历》 第4152节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4152

4152. I spoke with them, saying that such an inflow was not an inflow by correspondences, but an entirely different one. I realized that the same thing could happen by entirely different methods, or by dreams, and that an inflow by correspondences is different, namely, that the spiritual qualities would flow into earthly ones and display them - as that love would display warmth, intelligence light, and so on - which elements correspond. But the inflow spoken of is also such that it could never be known from the earthly element what was in the spiritual; thus it was an amazing inflow.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4152

4152. I spoke with them, saying, such an influx could not be an influx of correspondences, but something altogether different. It was perceived that by modes or dreams utterly unlike similar results might take place, and that the influx of correspondences was still different, namely, that spiritual things would flow into natural and be represented by them, as love by heat, understanding by light, and so forth, which correspond. But the influx spoken of is such that it could never be known from the natural what was in the spiritual; and thus it was an influx of a wonderful character.

Experientiae Spirituales 4152 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4152. Loquutus cum illis, quod talis influxus non esset influxus correspondentiarum, sed prorsus alius, perceptum quod aliis prorsus modis aut somniis potuisset similiter fieri; et quod influxus correspondentiarum sit alius, nempe quod spiritualia influerent in naturalia et ea sisterent, sicut quod amor sisteret calorem, intelligentia lucem, et sic porro, quae correspondent, qui influxus etiam talis est, ut nusquam cognoscatur naturale inde quid in spirituali; ita influxus ille erat mirabilis.

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