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《灵界经历》 第4154节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4154

4154. About societies

There are societies in the other life of all qualities whatsoever that could ever come into mankind's thought or desires - into the thoughts, for example, when I was thinking about some matter that was not being uncovered, but hidden in the Word, concerning the Ark of Noah. On this occasion there were societies, 1) who were pondering nothing else but whether it should be uncovered,

[2] 2) whether it is the truth,

[3] 3) whether it can be divulged.

Those constituted the greater part who were conjecturing whether it is, and whether it is so, who were very many societies, especially wondering whether it is so, then wandering off into countless details, or wandering only into irrelevancies, not entering into of what quality it is. There were very many societies of them that were dispersed for they hindered the seeing of what it is, getting stuck fast at every turn in this, whether it is, and whenever they were in this, whether so, they were still in whether it is and whether it is so; therefore they were wandering about like furies on the outermost skin.

[4] 4) There were many, many societies that conjecture egotistically, one thus, another thus, in long series.

[5] 5) There are societies that do not want the truth to be disclosed, some from indignation, that they cannot be the highest, some from unmercifulness, some from apathy, some from the desire that others should investigate the matter from their own effort, as they are doing from theirs. Again others [say] that one should persevere in the attempt, with no other purpose than that of trying, so that the person or spirit will lose hope, be displeased, become angry, and cast himself headlong into every error and insanity. I spoke with them, saying that such a purpose is diabolical, since nothing is guiding the attempts toward some use - besides many other comments about purpose, still others having different views.

[6] 6) But the good want to know the truth. They want to teach, want it to be opened up to all. They desire nothing more than to share whatever they know, and to free others from temptation and the resulting evil.

Thus there are innumerable societies. 1749, 26 Febr. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4154


There exist in the other life societies corresponding to everything which can ever enter into the thoughts of man and into his concupiscences. As to the thoughts, let an example be taken from this, viz., that when I thought concerning any subject that was not clearly ascertained, but was hidden [as it were] in the Word, as concerning Noah's ark, then there were societies,

(1) of those who thought of nothing else than whether it was to be ascertained at all:

(2) of those whose concern it was whether it was true;

(3) of those who inquired whether it might be divulged. Those were most numerous who sought to know whether it was, and then those who inquired whether it was so, of which last there were very many societies. As soon as the question came up whether it was so, they wandered into innumerable conjectures, yet still in such a way that they roved about in externals only; upon the quality they did not enter. There were very many societies of these which were dissipated for they hindered the seeing what the thing was; they inhered everywhere in this, viz. whether it was, and while thus engaged turned to whether it was so, yet still [back again to] whether it was, and [then once more] whether it was so; wherefore these last mentioned wandered about on the surface of the skin.

(4) There were a great many societies which conjectured from their proprium, one in this way, another in that, in a long series.

(5) There are societies which do not wish the truth to be detected, some from resentment that they cannot be supreme, some from unmercifulness, some from indolence, some from a desire that others should make the investigation by their own efforts, as themselves do theirs. Others again desire that one should be kept in trying, with no other end than that simply of trying, in order that the man or spirit may despair, become enraged, and precipitate himself into every evil and insanity. With these I spoke, saying, that such an end was diabolical, since mere trials determine nothing to any useful purpose; besides various other things concerning ends. But others had wholly different views.

(6) The good, on the other hand, desire to know the truth, desire to teach, desire to have the truth open to all, being mainly anxious to unbosom themselves of all that they know, and to free others from trial and its consequent evil. Thus there are innumerable societies. - 1749, February 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 4154 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4154. De societatibus

Societates in altera vita dantur omnium quaecunque in cogitationem hominis usquam venire possint, et in ejus concupiscentias; quod in cogitationes, sit exemplum, dum cogitabam de aliqua re, quae non detegebatur, sed occultabatur in Verbo, de Arca Noae, tunc fuerunt societates,

1) qui nihil aliud [versabant quam] num detegendum,

2) num veritas sit,

3) num possit propalari. Hi maximam partem constituebant, num sit, tum num ita sit, qui permultae societates erant, ut primum in hoc num ita sit, tunc extravagabantur in innumera, sic ut errarent solum in extremis, quale sit non intrabant: erant societates eorum perplures, quae dissipabantur nam impediebant videre quid sit, haerebant ubivis in hoc num sit, et cum in eo num ita, usque in num sit, et num sit ita, quare errabant ut furiae in extrema cute.

4) Erant societates permultae quae ex proprio conjecturant, una ita, altera ita, longa serie.

5) Sunt societates quae non volunt ut veritas detegatur, quaedam ex indignatione, quod non possint esse supremi, quidam ex immisericordia, quidam ex desidia, quidam ex eo ut velint ut alii inquirant cum suo labore, quia ii cum suo labore; alii qui [volunt] ut teneatur in tentatione, absque alio fine quam tentationis, ut homo seu spiritus desperet, indignetur, irascatur, et praecipitetur in omne erratum et insanum, cum quibus loquutus quod talis finis sit diabolicus, cum nihil [sic] determinat tentationes, ad quendam usum, et plura alia de fine, alii prorsus aliter.

6) At boni volunt veritatem scire, volunt docere, volunt ut aperta sit omnibus, nihil plus desiderant, quam expectorare quicquid sciunt, et liberare a tentatione et malo inde; ita sunt innumerabiles societates. 1749, 26 Febr.

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