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《灵界经历》 第4160节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4160

4160. About a certain good spirit

A certain woman known to me during my life was able to come among the blessed in the other life after only several weeks. She was in a society together with the blessed, and I saw that her inward regions were open and how rightly she felt and understood things, besides other characteristics. She was in a paradisal environment, and beholding it, said that this was not happy, but that which is inward - at which the spirits were surprised - also, that she acknowledged the Lord from within, which surprised the angels very much. 1749, 5 Mar. She was one of those women on earth who had lived in riches, distinction and dignity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4160


A certain female known to me in the life [of the body] was, in the other life, enabled to be among the blessed after the short space of a few weeks. She was in the society of the blessed, and it was perceived that her interiors were open, and that she then felt and perceived everything justly, to say nothing of other particulars. She was in the midst of paradisiacal scenes, and on beholding them said, that this was not to be happy, but that true happiness was something more interior, at which the spirits wondered, as did the angels also at perceiving that she acknowledged the Lord from an interior principle. - 1749, March 5. She was from among those on earth who lived in riches, splendor, and rank.

Experientiae Spirituales 4160 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4160. De spiritu quodam bono

Quaedam in vita mea nota, in altera vita inter beatos potuit esse post solum aliquot septimanas, fuit in societate cum beatis, et perceptum quod interiora aperta essent, et tam juste sensit et percepit, praeter alia: in paradisiacis fuit, et conspicata, dixit hoc non ei esse felix, sed quod interius est, quod mirati spiritus: tum quod agnoverit Dominum, ab interiori, quod multum mirati angeli. 1749, 5 Mart. Erat inter eas in terra, quae in divitiis, splendore, et dignitate fuerunt.

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