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《灵界经历》 第4159节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4159

4159. 1About the sight of spirits

It has been obvious in many ways that the sight of spirits among themselves is so sharp that they would never suppose otherwise than that they are seeing others, as well as each other, most clearly. Also their sense of touch is of this nature. There are many examples of this, such as when I was in a state in which I saw and touched a spirit, thus seemingly in a wakeful state, thus as to every sense, of sight, of hearing, and of touch. Spirits also confessed many times that they clearly see each other, see clothes, their body, their hands - that they see things displayed as if in broad daylight such as it has been granted me to portray them to them so sharply that they saw every detail. In fact, those who were in the inward aura saw many things merely by ordinary thinking, besides which I saw them more than a thousand times, I believe - their faces, their bodies, displayed as if in full daylight, also in their dwellings, etc. etc. 1749, 5 Mar.


1. This paragraph in the autograph is marked marginally with a vertical wavy line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4159


It has been evinced to me from a multitude of proofs, that the sight of spirits among themselves is so exquisite that they have no other idea than that they clearly perceive others, and also themselves, and that they even have the sense of touch. Examples are numerous; as that while I was myself in that state I really saw and touched spirits, just as it I had been awake, with all the sensation of sight, hearing, and touch. Spirits indeed oftentimes affirmed that they clearly saw themselves, their garments, their body, their hands. They frequently said also that they saw representations as in the brightest light, when I was permitted to make them, and that too so distinctly that they perceived every item; yea, even those who were in an interior sphere saw in like manner from barely a general kind of thought, which included many other things that they perceived; not to mention that I have seen spirits themselves more, I presume, than a thousand times, their faces, their bodies, and their representative creations, as in the light of day, besides [seeing them] in their habitations, etc., etc. - 1749, March 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 4159 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4159. De visu spirituum

Ex multis constiterat, quod visus spirituum inter se sit exquisitus, ita ut nusquam aliud autument quam [quod] prorsus videant alios, imo semet, etiam quod tactus: exempla sunt multa, sicut dum fui in statu isto quod prorsus viderim et tetigerim spiritum, ita quasi in statu vigiliae, cum omni sensu visus, auditus, et tactus. Etiam spiritus fassi multoties, quod se videant, vestes, corpus, manus manifeste: quod repraesentativa videant sicut in summa luce, ut multoties cum mihi datum iis repraesentare, ita acute, ut singula viderint, imo qui in sphaera interiore ex sola cogitatione communi, in qua plura, quae viderunt, praeter quod viderim eos vicibus plus quam mille, ut putem, eorum facies, eorum corpora, repraesentativa sicut in luce diei; etiam in domiciliis, etc. etc. 1749, 5 Mart.

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