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《灵界经历》 第4162节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4162

4162. About evil and that which is one's own

I realized that mankind is the cause of evil, which is shown by the fact that it is an eternal law that man should seem to himself to enjoy freedom, so that nothing should happen contrary to his will, and that otherwise faith can never be implanted. Faith is implanted in his freedom, never by force, compulsion, by fear, or miracles. This shows since it is an eternal law that mankind should seem to enjoy freedom, that man himself is the cause of evil. 1749, 7 Mar.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4162


I perceived that man is the cause of evil, which appears from this, that it is an eternal law, that man should seem to himself to enjoy freedom, so that nothing should be done [by him] contrary to his will, as otherwise faith could never be implanted. Faith is implanted in the full exercise of freedom, never by force, compulsion, fear, or miracles. It hence appears that since, by an eternal law, it shall seem to man that he enjoys [entire] freedom, he is himself the cause of his evil. - 1749, March 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 4162 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4162. De malo et proprio

Perceptum, quod homo sit causa mali, quod constat ex eo, quod aeterna lex sit, ut homo videatur sibi libertate frui, sic ut nihil fiat contra voluntatem ejus, et quod aliter nusquam fides implantari possit. Fides in libertate ejus implantatur, nusquam per vim, coacte, per timorem, miracula; inde constat, cum aeterna lex sit quod homo videatur sibi frui libertate, quod ipse sit causa mali. 1749, 7 Mart.

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