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《灵界经历》 第4163节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4163

4163. How spirits remember others

It was shown to me how vividly the mental image of persons is recalled whom they had known in the world. There was a murderer thus called to mind by his relative, so vividly that I was seeing him just as he had been in the world, entirely the same, and this two or three times. And speaking to him was his relative, whose money he had gotten and had not returned to him, about which he was complaining and speaking with the spirits round about concerning the matter. From his reply the angels could clearly perceive what his intention had been, namely, that he was keeping the money for himself, or disposing of it in some other way.

From this experience it was very clear to me how spirits remember other persons, which happens just as vividly as if they were living in the world, and because communication of mental imagery is given to them, the said person is presented at once, which indeed happened in this case. It happens at the very moment, most easily, and either entirely close by, or at a short distance according to the location, as happens in the other life. Then it was also evident that the angels at once discern from his response what his intention had been - so that nothing is hidden. 1749, 8 Mar. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4163


It was shown to me how vividly the idea of persons known in the world is recalled. There was a homicide thus recalled to mind by his relative and so distinctly that I saw him just as he was in the world, and that too twice or three times. He was addressed by his kinsman whose money he had had and did not return it to him, about which he complained, and in regard to which he spoke with the surrounding spirits. From the answer the angels could clearly perceive what his intention had been, and that he had appropriated the funds to himself or otherwise disposed of them. From this experience it was obvious to me how spirits retain the recollection of others, and that it is as vivid as if they still lived in the world, and that when a communication of ideas is given, the same person is at once made to be present to several, as was done [in this case], and that too most easily in the same moment, and standing either close by or at a little distance according to their position, as happens in the other life. It was moreover made manifest, that angels immediately perceive from one's response what kind of intention he had, so that nothing is concealed. - 1749, March 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4163 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4163. Quomodo spiritus aliorum recordantur

Ostensum mihi est, quam vive revocatur idea personarum, quas in mundo habuerunt notos, revocabatur ab affini ejus homicida, tam vive, ut viderem eum sicut in mundo, prorsus talis, et hoc bis et ter, et affinis ejus loquebatur, cum habuerit ejus pecunias, nec ei reddiderit, de quo conquestus, et de qua re cum illis loquutus: ex responso ejus potuerunt angeli clare percipere, quam intentionem habuisset, vel quod sibi eas appropriaret, vel quod aliter disponeret: ex illa experientia manifeste mihi constabat, quomodo spiritus aliorum recordantur, quod fit tam vive, sicut in mundo viverent, et quia datur communicatio idearum, eadem persona praesens illico sistitur, sicut etiam factum, quod fit eodem momento, facillime, et prorsus apud eum, vel ad distantiam paucam secundum situm ejus, ut fit in altera vita, tum quoque constabat, quod angeli illico percipiant a responso ejus, qualem intentionem habuerit, ita ut nihil lateat. 1749, 8 Mart.

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