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《灵界经历》 第4184节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4184

4184. About the Word of the Lord from angelic speech

Angelic speech is such that every detail of what they are thinking and saying is alive. In the very least particulars they are given to discern the Lord's life, indeed, all things of their life they represent to themselves as something living, such as when some feeling of the will occurs, or of understanding, they present it as something living, together with all its content, its whole soul and body, consisting of innumerably many, ineffable components, of which people on earth have only the most general conception and this is dead, being material and closed. For example, when they describe a feeling, countless details can be thought of and written about it which are all present with the angels - indeed, all its inward components in their order and series: just as the form of the body or its parts is known at once from the inward form and structure of the tissues, vessels and muscles in their series and connections and consequent form. These matters are inexpressible, for with the angels, these details are alive, because their thought and speech is alive.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4184


Angelic speech is such that every particular of their thought and utterance is alive. They receive in each single thing a perception of life from the Lord; yea, those things which are of the life they exhibit to themselves to the life, as in regard to any affection of the will or of the understanding, they have it before them as if living, with all its accompaniments, with all its soul and body, embracing things innumerable and ineffable, of which with man the idea is most general and, as it were, dead, because material and closed. Thus, for instance, when an affection is described, the innumerable things which may be thought and written concerning it, are all simultaneously present with the angels, and indeed the interior things of which they are composed in order and series; just as the form of the body, or what belongs to the body, is known at once from the entire form and interior structure of the fibers, vessels, and muscles, with their series and connections, from which the form exists; all which are expressible, as with the angels they are living; such is their thought and speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 4184 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4184. De Verbo Domini ex loquela angelica

Loquela angelica talis est, ut vivant singula quae cogitant et loquuntur, in singulis accipiunt perceptionem vitae a Domino, imo illa quae sunt vitae sistunt sibi ad vivum, sicut cum de aliqua affectione, voluntatis vel affectione intellectus, habent illam sicut vivam, cum illis quae inibi sunt, cum omni ejus anima et corpore, quae innumerabilia sunt et ineffabilia, quarum communissima solum idea est et ea mortua, quia materialis et clausa apud hominem, sicut dum affectio describitur, innumera possunt cogitari et scribi de ea, illa simul sunt apud angelos, et quidem interiora ex quibus componitur ordine et serie, sicut corporis forma, seu quod corporis simul noscitur ex omni forma et structura interiore fibrarum, vasorum et musculorum, cum suis seriebus et nexibus, et inde forma; quae expressibilia sun; nam haec apud angelos viva sunt, talis est eorum cogitatio et loquela;

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