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《灵界经历》 第4192节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4192

4192. What marriage is, and love therefrom

Marriage is such a love, that the man loves the woman, and they love one another in such a way that they desire to be one, and desire to give each other whatever is their own, and from this mutual feeling that they do not wish to belong to anyone but the other, the love of marriage springs forth. Therefore, all other loves are derived from being mutual, but without being able [to be one]. Other love consists in wishing, but not in being able to. From this it is obvious that marriage love is the fundamental love, and heaven itself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4192


The conjugial relation is such that the love existing mutually between the parties is so intense, that they desire to be one, and each to impart to the other whatever is his own. It is from this reciprocal sentiment, or the wishing to merge one's-self in another, that the love of true marriage exists. From this source all other mutual loves are derived, so far as they involve this principle of mutuality, without which they are such as they are; other love consists in "velle," or "being willing," but not like this in "posse," or "being able." It hence appears that conjugial love is fundamental, and is heaven itself

Experientiae Spirituales 4192 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4192. Quid conjugium et inde amor

Conjugium est talis amor, ut unus alteram, et vicissim ita ament, ut unum esse velint, quod vicissim dare velint quicquid est sui, ex mutuo hoc, quod non velit esse nisi alterius, et hoc vicissim, existit amor conjugii. Quare omnes amores caeteri inde derivantur, quod sint mutui, sed absque tali, ut possint ita; consistit alius amor in velle, sed non in posse ita. Inde constat quod amor conjugialis sit fundamentalis et ipsum coelum.

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