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《灵界经历》 第4194节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4194

4194. The punishment of certain ones by being let among those constituting the earlobes

There are some who imagine themselves to be more effective than others, and to act from their own power. They and others of the same character are let among those constituting the earlobes, or cartilaginous skin of the left earlobe, by whom they are led and compelled to speak from them, at the left ear, which takes place either perceptibly, thus with resistance, or without much resistance, depending on the character that is thus being tempered.

They then talk in a certain cartilage-like tone, so to speak, and sometimes foolishly. It has often happened that those spoke with me in this way who when away from those spirits seemed to themselves to be intelligent, about whom one would not suspect such a thing. Their speech cannot be described. In this way they are tempered. Some of them when released are indignant, and become angry at being thus compelled to speak, and so foolishly. 1749, 2 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4194


There are some who think themselves to be preferred to others, and that they act from themselves; others of this character are genii. They are remitted among the auriculars, or those who constitute the cartilaginous skin of the left ear. There they are led by these - and are compelled to speak from them - towards the left ear, which takes place either with a perception and thus resistance, or without much resistance, according to the kinds [of character] to be tempered or corrected. They then speak, as it were, with a certain cartilaginous kind of sound, and sometimes very foolishly. This often happens, and in this manner they spoke with me. Those that are without the sphere of these are in their own eyes highly intelligent - a conceit of which I could not have suspected them guilty. The kind of speech above-mentioned can hardly be described, so peculiarly were the speakers wrought upon; some indeed, upon being restored thence were filled with indignation that they had been thus compelled and had acted so foolishly. - 1749, April 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 4194 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4194. Poena quorundam, ut inter auriculares

Sunt qui putant se potiores esse aliis, et ex semet agere, et alii qui tali genio sunt, mittuntur inter auriculares, seu qui constituunt cartilagineam cutem auriculae sinistrae, ibi ab iis ducuntur, et adiguntur loqui ex iis, ad aurem sinistram, quod fit vel cum perceptione sic renisu, vel absque multo renisu, secundum genium qui temperandus, loquuntur tunc quasi cartilaginee, certo sono, quandoque fatue, hoc saepe accidit, et sic mecum loquuti, qui extra eos sibi visi sunt intelligentes, et de quibus non tale suspicari potui; loquela non describi potest, ita temperantur, quidam dum inde exemti, indignantur, irascuntur, quod ita coacti, et tam fatue. 1749, 2 April.

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