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《灵界经历》 第4201节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4201

4201. About the Providence of the Lord

I heard and saw spirits speaking among themselves about the Providence of the Lord in regard to the most singular things, but the things they said cannot be described, for their speech is at the same time figurative, involving indescribable matters. There are more details in a single mental image, joined to symbolism, than can be described in many pages, and still there will be many that cannot be described. I then realized that the Lord's Providence extends to the very least things, but not in such an arrangement as a person on earth can grasp or have any conception of. The reason is that all things down to the very least are arranged in their order, and things to come are foreseen and provided for, which do not happen in the way man supposes. 1749, 6 April. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Jupiter, meaning Thursday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4201


I have heard and perceived spirits conversing together respecting the Lord's Providence in the minutest particulars, but what they said cannot be described, for their speech is at the same time representative, involving things wholly indescribable. There are in one idea more things, combined with representations than could be set forth in many pages, and many which could not be described at all. It was then perceived that the Lord's Providence extends to the most minute particulars, but not in such a series as man adopts and proposes to follow, for the reason, that all and singular things are disposed in their own order, and future events are previded and provided, which [at the same time] do not happen as man supposes. - 1749, April 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 4201 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4201. De Providentia Domini

Audivi et percepi spiritus inter se loquentes de Providentia Domini, in singularissimis, sed quae loquuti, non describi possunt, nam loquela eorum simul est repraesentativa, quae talia involvit, ut non possint describi, sunt plura in una idea, juncta repraesentativis, quam ut multis paginis possit describi, et usque erunt quae non possint: perceptum tunc quod Domini Providentia sit in singularissimis, sed non secundum talem seriem qualem homo capit, et sibi proponit, ex causa, quia omnia et singula suo ordine disponuntur, et praevidentur et providentur quae ventura sunt, quae non contingunt sicut homo putat. 1749, 6 April.

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