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《灵界经历》 第4205节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4205

4205. About the hatred of the evil against the Lord

Those who in the world had not harbored hatred against the Lord, but were steeped in the love of self and of the world, that is, had lived in hatred against the neighbor, and had not even thought about the Lord, in the other life bear deadly hatred against the Lord, the reason being also that they realize there that heaven is the Lord's, and the Kingdom is the Lord's. And because they are such that they cannot be admitted into heaven, and cast themselves headlong into punishments and tortures, they attribute this to the Lord. For they had imagined that regardless of their character, they could still be admitted into heaven - even if they had been able to come there, they would at once destroy a whole society, and all order, and would desire to subject all to themselves. And because they cannot be admitted into heaven, and because they bring punishments upon themselves, they conceive such a hatred against the Lord. 1749, 10 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4205


Those who in the world had not been conscious of hatred towards the Lord, but were still in the love of self and of the world, that is, had lived in hatred towards the neighbor and been utterly regardless of the Lord, these in the other life entertain a most deadly hatred towards the Lord. One cause of this hatred is that they then observe that heaven is the Lord's and the Kingdom is the Lord's; and inasmuch as such as they are cannot be admitted into heaven, but precipitate themselves into punishments and torments, they attribute this to the Lord, for they suppose that all of whatever quality, even such as themselves, might be admitted into heaven; whereas if they could come thither they would destroy all society and all order, and aim to subjugate all things to themselves. Because therefore, they cannot be admitted into heaven, and because they incur to themselves such pains and penalties in the attempt, they conceive such a hatred towards the Lord. - 1749, April 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 4205 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4205. De malorum odio contra Dominum

Qui in mundo non odium habuerunt contra Dominum, sed in amore sui et mundi, hoc est, in odio contra proximum vixerunt, et ne quidem cogitarunt de Domino, in altera vita internecinum odium habent contra Dominum; causa quoque est, quod animadvertant ibi quod coelum sit Domini, et Regnum sit Domini; et quia tales [quod] non possint admitti in coelum, et quod se praecipitent in poenas et cruciatus, hoc tribuunt Domino, nam putarunt, qualescunque essent, [quod] usque admitti in coelum possent, etiamsi tales, ut si potuissent ibi venire, destruerent illico omnem societatem, et omnem ordinem, et omnes sibi subjicere cuperent, et quia in coelum non admitti possunt, et ii sibimet poenas adsciscunt, concipiunt tale odium contra Dominum. 1749, 10 April.

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