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《灵界经历》 第4208节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4208

4208. 1About the speech of angelic spirits

The speech of angelic spirits was perceived, but not heard or understood, but only perceived by the sense of sight. It was like a brilliant vibration. They spoke thus for some time among themselves, and I was told that this was the speech of angelic spirits. The brilliant vibration appearing before my inner sense of sight varied according to their state of mind, which at the time was a happy state that was consequently perceived only in this way, the brilliance being so to speak the liveliness of their joy. Meanwhile, I spoke with spirits about this form of speech.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a vertical wavy line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4208


The speech of angelic spirits was perceived, but not heard or understood; it was only perceived by the sense of sight under the form of a shining vibration. They spoke for some time among themselves, and it was said to me that this was the speech of angelic spirits. This shining vibration that appears before the internal sense of sight is varied according to their state; their state was at this time a joyful one, which was in this manner made known; the splendor itself was, as it were, the splendor of their joy. Meantime I conversed respecting this speech with spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 4208 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4208. De loquela spirituum angelicorum

Percepta erat loquela spirituum angelicorum, sed non audita nec intellecta sed modo sensu visus percepta, erat quasi vibratio splendens, loquuti inter se aliquantum temporis, et dictum mihi, quod haec loquela spirituum angelicorum; vibratio splendens apparens coram sensu visus interni variatur secundum statum eorum, erat tunc status laetus, quare status modo ita perceptus; splendor iste erat quasi vita laeti eorum. De hac loquela interea loquutus cum spiritibus.

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